Trying to Get Pregnant

You better not be pregnant at your sister's wedding....

Yep. This is what my mother said to me tonight. She said it in a tone like me looking fat in pictures and stealing my sister's thunder would ruin her entire f'ing day. 

My sister got engaged on VDay. We were casually talking about bridesmaids dresses today, and my mother dropped this bomb on me.

I got really defensive and told her my life does not revolve around my sister's wedding which is TWO YEARS AWAY.

I'm just floored she said this to me. My mom was crazy controlling over my wedding, so I guess I shouldn't expect anything less. It's completely ridiculous because my sister wouldn't even batt an eye if I was KU on her wedding day. She would be thrilled.

UGH! Sorry. It has been one of those days. I just had to vent.

Thank you :) 

Re: You better not be pregnant at your sister's wedding....

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    That was rude and mean. You should've told her just because she was fat in pics when she was pregnant does not mean you won't be a knock out in the pics you take. 

    Too bad you cant really say that. What did you manage to say to her? In reality I would tell her you can't control when you get pregnant and neither can she. After all you can't not have sex with your husband....that will ruin your marriage. Just thoughts of thing to say to her. 

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    You should tell your mom to butt out
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    That sounds like something my mother would say!

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    Wow. That is awful. I'm glad that you know that you have your sister's support.
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    Wow! I was engaged for 2 years and my sister wasn't even thinking about having a baby but they got pregnant and the baby was due 4 days before my wedding. It was a BUSY time for me and my family (my mom was turning 50, I was graduating nursing school, the wedding, baby and holidays). My sister got induced to make sure she would make it to the wedding. She is my only sister and it was important to her that she be there. 

    Her MIL watched her DD all night and she was even there while we were getting ready and for the reception. (she pumps her breast milk making it possible to leave her one week old baby)

    I think your mom is crazy and out of line but that is just me. I was yes the bride that was like "all of the attention won't. be on me", but I got over it and in the end it didnt matter. Good luck! 

    BFP #1 6/18/2012 // EDD 2/28/2013 // Birthdate 2/7/2013

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    I hope all the bridesmaids are KU on your sisters day just to see your moms reaction to that!

    But seriously, I hope she chills out!

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    3 failed IUIs, IVF #1: 18R, 12M, 10F, 3 poor quality 5d embryos transferred= BFP #4!!!!!

    Betas: 9dp5dt: 64 ~14dp5dt: 91 (expecting miscarriage, doubling time of 236 hours) ~16dp5dt: 200~18dp5dt: 500

    First Ultrasound at 6w2d revealed two sacs, only one with a heartbeat

    LK arrived after 42 weeks on August 14, 2013! Beautiful, healthy, and happy!

    TTC#2: IVF booked for April 2015

    Surprise BFP#5 February 19, 2015 EDD: November 2, 2015

    Betas: 10dpo: 10, 14dpo: 77, 17dpo: 270

    First Ultrasound at 5w1d showed a miracle UTE baby! And right ovary ovulation to left fallopian tube.

    JD arrived at 38 weeks on October 20, 2015.

    TTC #3: Since October 2017. BFP #6 July 2, 2018 EDD: March 16, 2019 [/spoiler]

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    A comment like that would really tick me off. If I were in a bad mood anyway, I would probably say something snide like, "Well don't worry, if I do get KU the 9 months before her wedding I guess I'll just get an abortion. Wouldn't want to ruin your big day." just so she would hopefully see how idiotic her comment was.

    BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
    BFP2: 3/18/12, blighted ovum, natural m/c @ 7w4d
    BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence

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    I'm all for all of this! +1
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    Are you sure we aren't sisters? My mom and I just had a huge blowout over this yesterday. DH and are cycle #1 TTC our first and my sister is getting married in 4 mos.  I just told her to imagine how she'd feel if we have difficulty and all along she's telling us NOT to have a baby until its convenient for the rest of my family!!
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    That is so incredibly rude! I am sorry you have to go through all that. I was KU at my sisters wedding and I was worried about the same kind of thing but it turned out just fine.
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    Are you sure we aren't sisters? My mom and I just had a huge blowout over this yesterday. DH and are cycle #1 TTC our first and my sister is getting married in 4 mos.  I just told her to imagine how she'd feel if we have difficulty and all along she's telling us NOT to have a baby until its convenient for the rest of my family!!

    She's getting married in 4 months??!! Even if you were to get pregnant this second, you almost certainly wouldn't be showing at the time of the wedding. Or is she just upset that some of the spotlight would be on you or that you wouldn't be able to drink? How incredibly inconsiderate!

    BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
    BFP2: 3/18/12, blighted ovum, natural m/c @ 7w4d
    BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence

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    My MOH messaged me 5 months before my wedding, extremely nervous... she knew I was in a planning frenzy and, dare I say, slightly bridezilla-esque.  She told me she was pregnant.  I was SO happy for her and so excited!  I was worried that maybe this meant she wouldn't want to be in the wedding anymore, but of course she did and she was completely gorgeous and radiant on the day.  And looking back at the photos now, it makes me so happy to know my goddaughter was sort of in my wedding party, too =)

    Your sister and your mother should be nothing but happy when you announce your pregnancy, whether it falls in line with the wedding or not.  Maybe they're worried that you'll steal a bit of the spotlight, but honestly brides need to get over the whole "((foot stomp)) IT'S MY DAY!!!" thing anyway.

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    I'm sorry you are dealing with sucks!

    My husband and I have been TTC for a long time now and haven't been telling anyone.  My best friend's wedding that I am the MOH in is coming up in less than a month... at her bachelorette weekend last week she asked me when we wanted to start TTC, and I told her that we really want a LO soon (but didn't say when we would 'start' or started already 14 months ago).  She told me that I need to wait until after her wedding... so ridiculous!  My life does not revolve around her wedding, even if my calendar and wallet has for the past 4 months! 

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    Not the same as being in the wedding party, but one of my best firends did the reading at my wedding when she was 6 1/2 mo along. Now that her DD is here it is cool to look at the pictures and know she was there too! Your mom needs to get a grip.
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    Wow - just wow!  And the wedding isn't even for another 2 years!  Mom needs to calm down a little, does she know that you've been trying?  My best friend from college was 5 months along at my wedding - and when she told me she was expecting, she was super nervous (I don't know why!).  I gave my girls a choice of a few dresses (all the same color, different styles), so she was super comfortable in what she had to wear with her baby belly.  Can't wait to tell her daughter  one day that she was "at" my bachelorette, and "in" my wedding!!  Good luck with mom and the planning process!
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    I'm so sorry your mom said this to you... Very inconsiderate, and none of her business! I'm glad your sis is supportive, and I hope your mom comes around, whenever it happens for you. 

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    Wow! Are we long lost sisters? Your mom sounds exactly like mine.

    And you are right, it is a PITA

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    Sucks because its your mom........I'm sorry.

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    Oh gosh :( That is awful! I am sorry you had to even deal with that. I wouldn't be putting TTC on hold for anything...especially a wedding that is two years away! Wow!



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    That was totally uncalled for.... I have thoughts in my head, but that's your mom, so I'll keep them to myself.  I'm SO sorry you had to hear that.  Just let it roll off your shoulders, screw her words, and do what's best for YOU. Like you said, your sister would be thrilled.  It's not your mom's wedding.  It's YOUR life.


    TTC since Aug 2011. BFP #1 on 10/28/2011 EDD of 07/02/2012 Natural MC on 11/22/2012  BFP #2 on 10/28/2012  EDD of 7/13/13  Judah Ari born on 7/11/13.

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    That sounds like something my mom might say and then totally forget about and deny all knowledge of later.

    I would try not to put any stock into it. If you were actually KU at that time, I bet she'd be whistling a different tune. It might just be something she said without thinking about. Maybe she was thinking, you better not be 9 months PG and have any sort of reason why you'd have to miss it. Or, you better not have your water break on the dance floor! Or, you better not be so ill that you're throwing up in the bathroom during the ceremony! She might not have meant to give you the impression that she wouldn't be happy for you.

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    I think you were right to respond in the way that you did, it is none of your mother's business, and even more so that your sister isn't the one that cares.  The only thing you might want to consider if the time comes (and hopefully you will already be pregnant long before then) is whether or not you would be due very near the due date, just because it would suck if you couldn't go at all.

    But like you said, that's not even something to think about at this point in time.  Hope your mom comes to her senses.

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