October 2012 Moms

Scary night!

Woke up at 4am to go to the bathroom....glanced at toilet paper (as I always do), and it was pink!! Yikes. Freaked out some, called in my husband. Announced I was bleeding and going to the ER, then just climbed back into bed since I was sooo tired/sad/freaked out. Plus he was about to leave for a fligh for work and I didn't really want to go anywhere alone. Tried to relax. 15 mins later I went to the bathroom again and this time the toilet paper had a pinkish brown. 5am....on brown and really hardly anything.

I managed to convince myself I didn't need to go to the ER since I wasn't cramping, and I know spotting can be normal. I tried to calm down by telling myself the blood would be getting worse and the cramping would be unbearable. A thunder storm moved in and actually managed to put me back to sleep (I love sleeping during thunderstorms). At 7:20am there was no blood at all. 

Called doctor and the nurse called me back after speaking to my doctor. He said my ultrasound on Friday was great and that I did have a rather large cervical poyp so it was most likely that. He also put me on "pelvic rest" for a week from the day I see the last of the bleeding (I haven't had any since this am). I debated pushing for an office visit/ultrasound, but I have an ultrasound in 3 1/2 weeks, and I am pretty confident everything is ok! Especially because he warned me about the polyp at my ultrasound and its chances of bleeding and others on here sharing the same experience. 

So while it was scary, I'm proud of myself for managing to calm my pregnant hormonal self down and being logical! lol!

Hopefully it doesn't happen again! Or at least if the stupid polyp decides to be annoying again, I know what to expect.  I know many people spot, but its still scary when it happens!!

Excited for baby #2!
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Kara Olivia, born 9/17/2012 at 37 weeks. 6 lbs 7 oz, 18 inches long

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