DH so far is the only one who has avoided it. All three of us girls are having loads of fun.
I really only get sick once a year, and this has got to be it. L seems to be getting over it, but A and me are a few days behind her. A is sleeping on my shoulder right now and a minute ago she just sneezed a big old ball of snot on me. LOL!
Poor babies.
Re: 3 out of 4 in my house have a cold :(
Hope you all feel better soon!
There seems to be quite a mess of different stuff going around these parts right now. Lots of colds and stomach bugs. H seems to be getting a cold now and I hope I don't get it.
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d
lucky you for only getting sick once a year. ....i was sick 8-9 times in 2010 and they all turned into sinus infections.
2011 was a lucky year i guess, then i was sick twice this month. any secrets that boost your immune system that i should know about??
Tons and tons of coffee. No really I wish I could tell you. Probably not having kids. LOL! I'm probably doomed going forward now that these little gals are mobile and getting into everything. My allergies act up seasonally, but historically I've only gotten really sick about once a year for the past several years. But yeah that streak may be over.
I don't have kids yet, but I only seem to get sick once a year, too. I am sure that will change!
Right now I do two things: 1) take probiotics every day and eat a lot of yogurt (more probitoics) 2) when I feel a cold coming on I always take Zicam immediately.
I have no scientific basis that those two things help me not get sick as much, but the probitotics also help with digestion and staying regular, so it's a win-win.
Boy/girl twins born at 37w1d and 37w2d