When I was pregnant with DD, I had a few bad evenings (nausea) and was tired during the 1st trimester, but that was it. I felt beautiful and wonderful and full of energy the rest of the pregnancy. With this one......I think I've felt like a human for 2 days out of the last 3 weeks, my boobs are super sore, I can't sleep, and I get out of breath so easily and it sometimes makes me dizzy. And, of course, both days that I've felt great, I've stressed about having a miscarriage because I felt so good. I am now counting the days until the 1st trimester is done.
How different were your pregnancies? Please give me hope.
Also - tell me I'm not a bad mom because DD has been watching LOTS of tv while I lay on the couch trying to stay still.
Re: Talk to me about your 2nd pregnancy
My pregnancies have gotten progressively worse as far as 1st trimesters go. I think, in part, it's because I have more on my plate each time. This is my 3rd pregnancy (well, 3rd to progress past 1st tri) and it's been pretty bad. Weeks 6-11 were almost unbearable with the nausea, I cried all the time and my husband had to come home at lunch many days and get food ready for the kids. I'm still on Zofran at 12 1/2 weeks - the nausea is waning but still not gone.
The good news is, after the 1st tri with DD (#2), I felt really great. DS and I resumed all of his normal activities and I really enjoyed the rest of that pregnancy. I'm hopeful the same will be true of the remainder of this pregnancy.
That said, I can't wait to be done with pregnancy forever. Ugh.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
My second pregnancy was waaay worse than my first in terms of how hard the 1st tri was. I was much sicker, and I had a lot more going on, so I couldn't exactly spend all afternoon on the couch with my feet up like I did the first time.
When I got pregnant was when DD started watching TV for the first time. It only got worse after DS was here and I needed a way to entertain her while nursing him or putting him down for a nap. Oh well.
Ditto, except DD1 did watch a little TV prior to DD2's arrival, but it increased significantly once DD2 was born. You do what you gotta do.
Thanks ladies. I don't think it helps that I never got back to where I was before DD physically. When I was pregnant the first time, I was in excellent health - I even ran 2 half marathons during my first trimester. We just joined a gym two months ago and I was doing great, but still very flabby (although I was back to my pre-preg weight). One of the first thoughts I had when I got a positive test was I hope my maternity clothes fit!
I am thankful that I'm not working outside the home this time around and that DD is so easily entertained, but I am ready for 2nd trimester. Only 29 days!
Night and day. First one I knew I was pregnant almost instantly. Nausea, tiredness, etc. Not so with #2. Figured it out at 9 or 10 weeks. But my back started hurting WAY earlier with #2. Doc said it was b/c everything was already stretched out... ?
Anyway, good luck. You are a fine mom. TV will not kill your kid!