My son is 3.5 yrs old. Hes been completly potty trained since he was almost 3 yrs old. Back then he was fully potty trained. He would poop and pee on the potty. Some things happened and he regressed to only peeing on the potty and we have had problems ever since. He will hold his poop in and leave streaks in his underwear or completly poop in his underwear. He doesnt care that its in there. He just has sooo many problems pooping on the potty. We can get him to do it every once in a while when either we sit in there and count to 3 and cover our eyes, or when we just say go poop on the potty like a big boy he will do it. I almost feel like we have to try something new everyday to get him to go poop on the potty. My in-laws think he has a digestion problem. Wouldnt that consist of him not being able to go at all?? Im not really sure what to do, maybe i need to feed him more green veggies or give him some fiber pills or some cereal with fiber in confused!!!