We received a pack of Gerber flat fold diapers at my shower. Since we don't use the flat folds for diapering we used them as burp cloths and as E grew, she adopted them as her teethers, lovies, comfort, etc. I have tried to find another pack of them as the 12 we have have dwindled to 8 somehow and a recent stomach virus proved that 8 is NOT enough. My question is, did they change them or am I looking for the wrong thing? The birdseye flat folds (all I can seem to find) are more like gauze than the soft cotton of the ones we have. I have seen Gerber Premium Flat Folds through Amazon for $40 for 12.

I will gladly pay if those are the ones I need but would like to see if any of you can possibly point me in the right direction before I shell out for the wrong thing. TIA!!
Re: Gerber flat fold diapers