Austin Babies

Weight Loss Ladies

Hey!  Where is everyone on M F P?  Let's discuss how we are motivated or not!


Married and it feels so good! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Weight Loss Ladies

  • I was so motivated until I got sick :(  I hope that I get to feeling better soon.  I am currently walking/jogging 4 miles at lunch time.  I am doing the Cap10K and want to get under 2 hours.

    I will be going off my diet on Friday, The MIL leaves and my parents come.  They will take care of the kiddos and I will have a Shiner in had with some Mexican food.  DH is gone this weekend to military so it will hopefully be some relaxation for me!


    Married and it feels so good! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagePMBridetobe:

    I was so motivated until I got sick :(  I hope that I get to feeling better soon. 

    This is me too! I was doing really well and then I started slipping into eating more bad food and now I've got a lingering cold that is going on 2 weeks. Its awful! I'm trying to track my food and exercise again starting this week and so far I've done ok. I'm also on MFP but I'm not friends with very many people on there. My ID is the same as my screen name if you want to find me =)

    **nestie formerly known as thegastons**
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  • I haven't lost any weight in 3 weeks but I have fallen off the sugar wagon. MIL had a birthday this past weekend and me and birthday cake can't be kept apart. Wink I'm jumping back on the wagon today and going to the gym after work.
  • Sigh.  I don't have anything to say.

    I need to exercise and eat better.  I have zero motivation.  I've been stressed which means I eat.  And sleep.  :( 

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