
development milestones

We had 29 wk twins in December and after a really long roller coaster ride called the NICU our boys will finally be home.  I want to stay on top of their expected developmental milestones and know about the corrected age but is there a good website about preemies out there?  I know to go by their corrected age but it seems that they are doing things that are not totally new born but I guess not up to their actually age.  Any websites would be great!! Thanks in advance!

Re: development milestones

  • I didn't really find/use any websites. I found that babies (preemies or not) are going to develop at their own pace and schedule. I was told to ALWAYS treat and look at my son at his adjusted age, until 2 or 3 years old. If he was doing things ahead of that, GREAT! They will also fluctuate. There were points when LO was ahead of his actual age and then times when he was below his adjusted age. But you can really get wrapped up in the milestones... so just try to enjoy every moment and let the EI/Therapists/Doctors worry about development. You just hug, kiss, take care of, and love those babies! :) 
  • Another preemie mom recommended this site on her blog:

    There's also an app for it.  Here's the mom's review of it.  I downloaded the app and really like it as well.


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