Hi ladies,
DD (just turned 3) is doing fantastic with peeing on the potty-no accidents in days, asking on her own, etc. Poop, on the other hand, isn't so easy. She's had an accident with that every day. I think she might be afraid. Any advice on how to make this part easier or what to do? Thanks!
Re: Advice on potty training #2
have you tried rewards? My niece would start pooping and my sister would see it and bring her straight to the potty so she'd finish in there. She got very excited and my niece finally got it.
does she poop at the same time every day? or close to it?
get her to the toilet on a schedule, every 2 hours (or hour if you can). loads of praise and no criticism.
just remember, it WILL happen...it is frustrating though...i've been potty training for years and poop always comes slowly (no pun intended).
For us character underwear was key.
I let them pick out their favorite character underwear and then told them they got to put it on once they put poop in the potty.
When I would see their bellies get distended I'd tell them they had poop belly and needed to push the poop out. Then I'd sit with them and make the "poop face" trying to help them understand how to push it out instead of waiting until it was falling out and racing to the toilet.
DH was a gem with this. Once they got in their character underwear he really hammed it up. DH would make Thomas say: "Peep peep - don't poop on me!" and it worked really well. They really really didn't want to poop on Thomas. Somehow it seemed rude to them so they tried really hard to get the poop out and avoid accidents.
Also - consider your rewards. What works for one kid doesn't work for another. My first was very M&M's motivated. My 2nd has a thing for balloons. I'd sit with him and with every good push I'd blow the balloon up a little bit more. If he put poop in the potty, he got the balloon. Worked like a charm when M&M's were doing nothing for him.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.