Let me start off by saying I'm overall very happy with DD's teachers in her MDO program. There was 1 of the 2 last semester that wasn't my favorite, but she's not there this semester. She was replaced by a girl I know from my small group at church, so I'm really comfortable with her.
That being said, I asked that second teacher at our group meeting if DD had acted strangely or fussy on Thursday because she slept awful all weekend and has been kind of clingy. During our discussion, she mentioned that she's sleeping in a swing at MDO. This was a shock to me because the other teacher (the one she's had since Day 1) had told me she was in a crib. Early last semester, they tried putting the kids on the floor on their nap mats and, as to be expected, most of them didn't stay on their mats. So they put them in cribs. I was happy with that and was really glad they about it. I quit taking her nap mat to school at that point because I knew she wasn't using it. Eventually, DD started getting out her nap mat at home and saying "night night" so I thought she might be getting the hang of what it was for. So I took it back and asked them to try it for a little while and see how she did. They told me she wouldn't stay on it, but that they put it in her crib with her and she seemed to sleep even better with it. So I was really happy that she was sleeping better, blah blah blah.
Now after some though, I'm kind of upset that they're putting her in a swing. I mean, I guess whatever helps get her to sleep and what not, but I feel lied to. She told me she was sleeping in a crib, I've been dragging her nap mat there and back for her to use in the crib, they've told me she sleeps well. But it bothers me that they seemed to try and hide the fact that they were putting her in a swing to sleep. Am I just being a crazy mom or would you be upset?
Re: Would this upset you?
Yep and Yep. Not sure how long they tried the mat, but it wasn't long. Maybe a week or two?
Yeah, I'd ask the teacher directly where she sleeps everyday. It might be that they had her in a swing just on Thursday because she wasn't feeling well. Maybe on a normal day she sleeps in her crib like they've told you. I know that's the case for us, but I only have a 9month old, so it's not as big of a deal to me.
I'm surprised there are even swings available for 2 year olds!
This. Seriously? A 2-yr-old in a swing seems like a huge safety hazard.
They use nap mats at my kids' school. Starting at age 1, all kids nap on a mat on the floor. It's totally possible, and it sounds like the teachers just gave up on it too quickly.
Oh, and I'd be livid that I felt I'd been lied to. It would make me question what they really thought of me that they felt the need to lie. It would make me question what else they lie about. It would make me question a lot.
ditto what pps said--way too big for a swing! and she obviously is ok with her nap mat and knows what it's for, so i think you should ask that she not sleep in the swing anymore. yes, it would upset me.
on a different topic--what narcisstic book are you reading? i've read a few, but am always looking for more--anything to help with my mom/daughter relationship lol !
these. it was a safety hazard for my 8 month old because he was trying to sit up in it. i would be going to the director about that.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012