I have tried to do some reading and research on this and I have heard that the 1st tri screen - b/w and NT scan is not really accurate for multiples. I am also fairly convinced that with my age being 38 that I would come out as a higher risk no matter what. So is there any point to having it done? Has anyone has a positive experience with this test where it eased your mind?
Then that brings me to CVS. Has anyone had it? At first (before being pregnant) I was completely opposed due to the risk of miscarriage. But, with twins I feel like I want to know what I am dealing with - not that it would change the outcome. I also feel like with my egg quality issues in the past - 1 miscarriage due to Trisomy 16 and 4 chemical pregnancies - maybe I should try to find out what the health of these babies is like. Thoughts?
My mind is just swimming with all of these decisions I need to make in the next few weeks. No matter what my OB said I am to have a u/s before my next appt. but I need to decide if I want it to be an NT scan or a regular u/s or about the CVS. TIA!!
Re: 1st tri screening questions
Wow that is a lot you've been through!
If you don't have monochorionic twins, I might skip the NT scan. As for a CVS, I did not get that, but had an amnio (husb and I both carry the CF gene) and while I generally don't think ppl should do either invasive test w/o solid cause, your case seems very different. We opted out of the bloodwork part of the NT scan b/c we were going to get the amnio anyway.
I would probably opt for the CVS OR do the NT scan (but not bloodwork) plus an amnio later. The risks between the two are pretty similar depending on the doctor. JMHO. And good luck!! If you have any questions about the amnio procedure let me know.
I did the NT scans for each. The NT alone can pick up a large number of anomalies. I opted out of first trimester blood work.
The best thing to do is talk with the MFM and genetic counselors to decide if you want invasive testing.
I opted to do the quad screening knowing it's not as accurate with twins. My risk was low (I was 30).
Good luck!