The hereditary aspect is for fraternal twins only & is on the mother's side. ?It relates to the tendency to ovulate multiple eggs per cycle, which can be hereditary. ?Identical twins are just a random fluke.
Yup, you're FIL has nothing to do with the way you ovulate. You need to ovualte two eggs to get fraternal twins, and you get your cycles from your mother who got it from her mother and so on.
Identicals however, those kiddos just show up out of nowhere. Trust me.
I second Mrs.Lee. I have fraternal twins on my dad's side and my doctor confirmed they can be passed down from your father's side. I am also biology teacher who has taught this stuff for years. Your dad would be considered a carrier for the hyperovulation gene but obviously doesn't display the trait since he doesn't ovulate. He can however pass it to his daughters.
Fraternal twins are a result of ovulating two eggs so twins in your husbands family have no effect.
Re: Is this true about twins?
Identicals however, those kiddos just show up out of nowhere. Trust me.
I second Mrs.Lee. I have fraternal twins on my dad's side and my doctor confirmed they can be passed down from your father's side. I am also biology teacher who has taught this stuff for years. Your dad would be considered a carrier for the hyperovulation gene but obviously doesn't display the trait since he doesn't ovulate. He can however pass it to his daughters.
Fraternal twins are a result of ovulating two eggs so twins in your husbands family have no effect.