Austin Babies

Fluid oz vs Weight oz?

when people take their LOs to do a weigh-in before and after nursing to see how much they're eating, how does that work? does the weight change in ounces equal the number of fluid ounces they're consuming? they aren't the same units of measure. just always wondered about this...

Re: Fluid oz vs Weight oz?

  • The weight for breastmilk is almost exactly the same as it's measured volume.  If I remember correctly it's off by something like .08 per pound so in 1oz increments they might as well be identical.
  • imageSinafey:
    The weight for breastmilk is almost exactly the same as it's measured volume.  If I remember correctly it's off by something like .08 per pound so in 1oz increments they might as well be identical.

    wow. did not know that. thanks for enlightening me! 

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