When did you buy large things like cribs and nursery furniture? I want to buy early because I want things set up early but I also am so hesitant to buy before 24 weeks?
After TTC for 29 months
October 2011: Follistem + lupron + glumetza+ hcg trigger= BFP Twins
We've had ours up since about week 18. Like other mentioned, with twins you just never know what could happen and when. Better to on the safe side.....Also, at Buy Buy Baby if we needed to order they said it could take up to 6 weeks to arrive. Good luck!
Right @ 26wks, set up nursery @ 28 wks. Put on bedrest at 32 weeks. The best advice that I got was to have things done by 28 weeks - I hit the wall at 28 weeks.
IVF w/ ICSI #2 - fraternal twins born December 2010 at 36 weeks.
Just before 24 weeks. They arrived the day after I was admitted to the hospital Nothing was set up or ready until after they were born but we had plenty of time at that point, just was a little different planning and decorating a nursery not being pregnant. I would say go ahead and start - have fun!
I'm 19 weeks. Our cribs were delivered last week, but since H is overseas, they won't be assembled for a while, plus their room needs to be painted (never did it when we moved in, so it's half lime green, half gray). My nesting instinct went into overdrive in the last week and a half and I have the urge to buy things, but like you, I'm hesitant to get much stuff before for another month or so. Aside from cribs, the only thing I consider a necessity (for now) are car seats and diapers. Everything else can wait.
Re: When did you buy....
Around 15 weeks? I was worried it would take a long time for the cribs to be delivered, but they showed up a week later
I wouldn't hesitate to buy before 24 weeks, especially with the possibility of bedrest or just getting too uncomfortable to help set up the nursery.
We've had ours up since about week 18. Like other mentioned, with twins you just never know what could happen and when. Better to on the safe side.....Also, at Buy Buy Baby if we needed to order they said it could take up to 6 weeks to arrive. Good luck!
Right @ 26wks, set up nursery @ 28 wks. Put on bedrest at 32 weeks. The best advice that I got was to have things done by 28 weeks - I hit the wall at 28 weeks.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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