So we just got back from our third extended stay in L&D. Baby A has always been breech and Baby B is head down. Doctor made a comment that Baby B could always shove her head in there, move A's feet out of the way, and become the presenting baby. Has this happened to anyone here? If so, how far along were you?
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IVF #2 = BFP!! TWINS!!! Born 3/9/12
FET #1 = BFP!!!
Re: Did this happen to you?
A set of frat b/g twins I went to school did that. Not sure how common it is though.
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Mine are like that now - but I guess it depends on their position. My little man (baby a) is definitely the frontrunner and although they are "side by side" he is much lower than his sister and always has been. If he doesn't flip for me I know that I'll be c-sectioned =(
Best of luck to you I hope that all goes well!
I guess it was about 30 weeks when I found out that Baby A and B had flipped. Baby B is our presenting baby and head down, Baby A is breech. I have to remind the u/s techs at every u/s to check their placentas so they know which baby is which because they always assume the presenting baby is Baby A.
Since 30 weeks they've been in the same posiiton and I don't see that changing before my scheduled c-section!
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So far mine switch places in terms of being closest to the cervix, but if one of them is head down that one always "wins," lol.
I'm really, really hoping one of them turn head down so I can try for a vag delivery. As far as I know, the docs will do an u/s to determine position before doing anything, so there's always a chance your B could push forward!!