we're planning our first flight with DS, who will be 7 months when we go in early may. flight, car and hotel are booked. i also just ordered a convertible carseat to take with us. (we have the infant car seat and base right now. figured we don't use the bucket much anymore anyway, so might as well get the convertible.)
we're staying in a hotel for the first night, and they're providing a crib for the room. the other nights, we'll be staying in an apartment i found through home away.
can i gate check the car seat even though DS will be a lap infant? (flying jetblue.)
i bought the britax roundabout. will it need to fit through the xray machine at security?
we're pretty comfortable with babywearing. will bringing a small umbrella stroller be worth the effort? LA is a pretty car-dependent city, and the most walking we would do is likely a shopping area or beach.
how is traveling with a pack-n-play? contemplating just bedsharing the rest of the time to avoid bringing one more bulky item.
i figure diapers, baby food and wipes can all be purchased when we get there. anything that i absolutely need to pack besides clothes/blankets/toys/pacis, etc?
Re: Traveling with baby
If you're going to gate check the Britax, I'd absolutely buy or borrow a GoGoKidz Travelmate. Lifesaver, and you can use it to haul a bag or two in your car seat, which is extra helpful. And yes, you can gate check it even though you have a lap child. You could also check it if you're flying direct (I'd be nervous about connections, though). It won't fit through the security machine, or at least, wouldn't have in any airport I've been in. Go through the family lane, they'll help you out.
I'd want a stroller. You could always have it shipped to someone at your destination (or possibly even your hotel).
If you're comfortable with bedsharing, that would obviously be easier. But I don't find it that hard to take a pnp along, either, especially when both parents are traveling.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
a friend's wife is due in june with their first. we could buy a cheap umbrella stroller and then give it to them. not tacky, right? where would i find a cheap stroller?
that's a good call. i think one of my sisters has one.
our friends live in santa monica but we're flying into long beach. is that anywhere near the OC? i don't know SoCal geography.
also, what's the risk of checked baggage getting damaged? i've seen my suitcase get beat up, and that's soft material instead of hard plastic.
LB is somewhat close to me but SaMo is not, it's about an hour north of LB. if you don't get a bag for the carseat I'd def get a sturdier garbage bag. I personally wouldn't want the carseat to get dirty and banged up.
On another note, if you're going to be in SaMo at all, stop by vanilla bake shop, they have yummy treats!
i realized our flight gets us in around 6:30 pm, so i don't think we'll be able to head south to the OC before driving all the way north to santa monica. thanks for the offer, though!
i'm always up for tasty treats. i'll add that to our itinerary.