Cloth Diapering

Washing machine question

FTM here and planning to cloth diaper. The washing machines at our apartment only have three settings: cold, warm, and hot and then either delicate or normal. I planned to just wash the diapers on the hot normal setting. I'm just a little confused because I see a lot of posts about running them through extra rinse cycles and whatnot and I don't really have that option with the machines I'll be using. Should I just do a normal wash cycle? Or would it be better to run them through a second wash cycle without soap to rinse extra well? I don't really want to waste the quarters for a second cycle if it isn't necessary. 

Re: Washing machine question

  • I wouldn't worry about the extra rinse after, but the pre-wash is a bit more important (it gets most of the ick off so the detergent can really work). You may have to run them through once without soap, and then again with soap. If you want to speed it up, you can advance the dial and just do a very short wash, or go straight to the rinse cycle. The downside is paying twice if it's coin-op.
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