OK, emergency is a strong word, but before I go to the store, I have to ask! I left my baggie of Rockin' Green at home, and my friend uses liquid tide. Is there anything I might find around her house to wash one little (only pee) load of cloth diapers? Would baking soda be good enough? I do not want to buy a bottle of something random unless I have to!
Re: Help! Out of town emergency!
The EFF recipe is washing soda, oxiclean, and borax. In a pinch, I'd try 1 tsp of baking soda, borax, and oxiclean.
Or just strip with with a squirt of dish soap, if her dish soap isn't that funky (like, super moisturizing or something). If' it's fairly plain (dawn, sunlight, pamolive, whatever), I'd do that.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
I would go to Target. In the travel aisle they have little packets of Tide Ultra powder for less than $1.00.
If you don't want to leave at all, ditto pp.