
xp: Breastfeeding twins

DD was MSPI so I could not continue to BF her. I really wanted to be able to for future children. Is it possible (especially considering how busy I will be w/ 3u2). Realistically, how hard is it? Has anyone done this successfully? Did you need to supplement with formula? Any tips, books,etc? I currently have a Medela Swing pump but want to upgrade to a PISA. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: xp: Breastfeeding twins

  • Mine are almost exclusively BF (I couldn't pump enough to give them much BM when I was gone, so we've used about a can of formula per baby in a year.)


    It's definitely possible, but it was WAY harder than with one for me.  The hardest thing was I got tendonitis from tandem BFing and had a hard time doing both at once by myself.  So during the day, it was really hard to keep one pacified while I fed the other.  They both wanted to eat RIGHT when they woke up.

    I also couldn't have done it without my DH.  Every night when they wake to eat, he gets them, brings them to me on the tandem pillow and then puts them down again.

    Supply wise, I never had a problem, but I always fed on demand and they definitely ate often.

    A SNS helped a lot when they were NBs. Though full term, they were just early enough (37w3d) to have some difficulty learning to eat (well, just baby B) He was also so small that we rented a sensitive baby scale to keep track of him gaining.

    Good luck!

    You might hold off on the pump.  If you end up EPing or something, a PISA probably won't cut it. 

  • It is completely doable!! I ebf my boys. It was hard as hell the first couple months. But it is hard for me to remember the bad times because it's so easy now. I can't imagine having to make bottles. I feed on demand and I hardly pump at all (don't become a slave to the pump). I feed them on their own most of time and it gives us that much needed one on one time. Good luck and don't be afraid!
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  • I am bf twins with a 4 yr old.  She is fairly self-sufficient, but you are going to need help in the beginning.  BF the twins is actually easier than my singleton.  In the beginning, I was super flexible.  I pumped, bf, and supplemented one-two feelings overnight with formula.  It was non-stop horrible in the beginning, but the weight was falling off me and that was my selfish motivation.  Then all of a sudden, it got easy.  I don't pump or supplement anymore.  I feed each one separately because I never loved tandem.  I felt too much like a cow.  It is nice to have alone time with each, it is super easy for overnight, and no bottles to wash.  Good Luck!
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  • Well I don't have both girls home yet so I have not had a chance to breast feed both of them just one and pump for the other but it is doable. I will be ebf B and pump for E until she comes home. Then I will ebf for both.
    Married to Brandon since 2/14/06
    Twin Girls born on January 1st 2012:Brooklyn Avery(Brooke) & Eliana Meredith(Ellie)
    Ellie and Brooke both have Juvenile Diabetes
    Adopted a Brother and Sister in January of 2012
    Levi Ryan-October 25th 2007 and Caroline Paige(Carly)-July 23rd 2009
    Jonah Samuel born April 21st 2013
    Expecting Baby #6-June 2014!
  • I don't have another LO but I've been EBFing/EPing for my boys going on 7+ months now.  Because they were preemies we do have to give them a couple of bottles a day of high calorie fortified BM to help with their growth, but otherwise I've never needed to give formula because of a supply issue.  It was pretty difficult during the newborn stage because just because of the frequency and time spent BFing two babies.  I had to let MH do a night feeding every night so I could sleep longer than 1-2 hours at a time.  It took us 2-3 months after they got home for me to be able to tandem feed them without someone helping.  That's been a huge time saver!  It's very doable with the right support system and lots of patience!

    I also think a good pump is essential to BFing multiples.  I used a hospital grade for a few months and now have a Ameda Purely Yours.  I just noticed that our babies our 2 days apart in age! 

  • I don't have an older LO but I do EBF my twins. They didn't give me a choice in the hospital and gave R a small amount of formula in the NICU if they didn't think he BFed for long enough... their rules based on much smaller babies that they don't bend for larger babies. They haven't had anything but BM since then. In the beginning, A refused the breast often so most feedings for the first two weeks were: BF R, pump, and give A BM in a bottle. After having a LC come to my house, I have been EBFing both since. No bottles since 2 weeks old. I pumped in the hospital in addition to BFing so I think that helped get my milk in and helped me get a good supply. I still pump once a day after their morning feeding and probably have about 1000 oz in the freezer.

    ETA: You might want to think about a hospital grade pump. I started with the PISA and hated it. I ended up getting the Ameda Elite that I used in the hospital. 

    I read Mothering Multiples while I was pg and found it helpful. 

    m/c 7/17/10
    Dx: MFI- 3% morph
    IUIs: Gonal-F + Ovidrel + b2b IUI= BFNs
    IVF with ICSI= BFP! EDD 11/25/11
    3/18- Beta #1 452! 3/20- Beta #2 1,026!! 3/27- First u/s- TWINS!
    Our twin boys arrived at 36w5d due to IUGR and a growth discordance

    FET: Medicated FET moved up to 5/23 due to ovulation
    Transferred a 6BB hatched blastocyst- genetically normal female embryo
    BFP! 5/28- 5dp6dt      
    6/1 Beta #1- 223! 6/3 Beta #2- 567!


    Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  • My DD1 was over 3 when the twins were born so self sufficient enough and able to understand enough when I nursed that it wasn't a problem. I do realize a 3 year old is a different ball game than a 2 year old though, so I don't know exactly how to speak to that. 

    Tips --

    If you can then tandem feed to cut down on time required. Get a double nursing pillow and Boppies 

    Try to address any of DD1s needs before nursing (i.e. get her a sippy, snack, tv show, etc..)  

    Accept lots of help especially when you're trying to get a BFing established.  People thought I would need help with the twins but what I realized I really needed more help caring for DD1 so I could focus on the twins. 

    A good pump and stocking up on the sample freebies are a great safety net. I mostly EBF but I am flexible to pump and also FF when we're away from the house and such. This flexibility has taken a good amount of pressure off me. 

    Employ patience and goal setting. It might be hard and I think setting goals might keep you from throwing in the towel if/when it's challenging. Instead of saying "I'm going to EBF for a whole year" try smaller goals of 6-8 weeks or something where you're giving it enough time to get into a rhythm and get a supply established, but not so long that you'll feel like you failed if it doesn't work out for you. 

    And FWIW, I actually think tandem nursing twins is the easiest way to feed them. I get them latched and have two hands free to turn on the tv, or drink water or play on the computer and I'm done in 15 minutes or less without any bottles to clean.  

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  • IT is hard in the beginning!  I almost EBF, we supplemented the first few weeks when ddA was in NICU and a couple weeks after, stopped around 4 weeks.  IT was so so hard int he beginning especially when you don't know what you are doing and the babies cry and you wonder if you are doing the best. it was the best thing I could have done and it is so so so much better than heating up bottles int he middle of the night!

    YOu will need a good LC, or a couple, and I would recommend a hospital grade pump for the first month at least.  I didn't read any books but I had really good LCs and BF moms group at the hospital.  You can do it but it does take some dedication


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  • I am EBF with twins and a very active two year old. To be honest, in the beginning it was really hard. I also EBF my two year old for his first year of life and he caught the hang of it pretty easy. With the twins, it was much harder because you're basically trying to get two different individuals, with their different latching problems to resolve them at the same time (if you tandem). I used lactation consultants, called in nurses that specialized in breastfeeding, and even got desperate enough to call the Laleche league to see if anyone could help me after the first month when my girls didn't have it down pat. What I learned is in the beginning, sometimes you have to just hang in there. I agree with the previous poster that short term goals make it much easier. At first I promised myself I'd make it through the first month and reassess. Then make it two months, then to the end of cold and flu season. Something else I did that helped me is I didn't keep formula in the house, so that I wouldn't give up in a moment of desperation but I'd have to make a conscious effort to go to the store and get some if I felt it was necessary.

    As for dealing with my two year old while feeding, I've learned to rely on his favorite tv shows that I dvr and play whenever I'm feeding so that he's focused on that instead of that mommy can't play. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me, I know in the beginning I wish I had someone to help me or give me advice through the rough spots of BFing. Good luck!

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  • I am ebf'ing my girls. LIke others have said, the early weeks were really tough. Neither of my twins latched initially so there was a ton of hard work on all of our parts. I am so grateful that I persevered though. It's so quick and easy now. 

    I tandem fed them until about 6 months. At that point, they became super distracted by one another. Feeding them individually was super quick by that point and still is.

    I only had to supplement for the first few days because my milk hadn't come in yet.

    I have the Medela Freestyle and love it. I pumped a ton at the beginning because one of my twins didn't start ebf until about 6 weeks.

    My biggest piece of advice is to stick with it, if it's important to you. Get help early. I saw many different lactation consultants before I found one who I loved. She was so supportive and encouraging.

    Good luck! 


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