
If you got PG while BF

Did your nipples get sensitive like they did with your first pregnancy?


I'm exhausted,  and nauseated, but since I just lately started getting AF again, I can't be sure if I can go by missing a period or not. (Last few months I've started on or around the 25th) (And I'm guessing a medicine I started a few weeks ago could possibly be the cause of the previous symptoms)


I still  BF my son at night, and haven't really noticed any nipple sensitivity. Just curious. I'll go get a PG test tonight, I just wanted to know what you ladies experienced. Thanks.  

Re: If you got PG while BF

  • I hadn't yet had AF, but I didn't notice any nipped sensitivity. Just a decrease in milk supply.  GL tonight if you test;)
  • DD was 12 months old when I got pg and we were still bf at night and in the morning.  Sore boobs/nipples was not an early pg symptom for me this time (but they are SUPER sore now again at 23w).  I was VERY tired from bfp on and had lots of cramping before and after bfp.  Good luck!! 

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  • With my first pregnancy, my nipples were not very sensitive. My whole bbs hurt like hell though. This time it is the opposite - nipples are sore (not too bad) but bbs don't hurt at all. I was nursing about 4 times per day when I got pregnant. My milk dried up/changed immediately. DS weaned completely within a week after conception. It was very strange. Good luck with your pregnancy test! I hope you get what you are hoping for.
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