Cloth Diapering

Itzy Ritzy wet bags?

Anyone have experience good or bad with these?  They're on Baby Earth and I like the patterns better than the Planet Wise, but ultimately I want wet bags that work, period.


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Re: Itzy Ritzy wet bags?

  • I have 2 and love them. The pul is super thick. They hold about 5-6 pockets. If you have it upside down for a long time I think the zipper seam will wick, but it only happened once. I just had to switch to a hanging bag for DC and the Planet Wise are so stinky in comparison.
  • I bought 2 about eight months ago.  Loved them so much I bought 2 more in Dec.  Great for DC, diaper bag, etc.  Very thick PUL, and they are great for holding in the stink.  I've never had a problem with wicking.  I've seen them on EcoBabyBuys a few times, 2/$18ish.
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