
Stomach flu advice?

I am a newbie at this. DD has actually never had a stomach bug before. She woke up around 2:30 am vomiting and continued to do so until about 7:30. She hasn't since but is still complaining of stomach cramps. She's taking small sips of water and so far holding it down. At what point should I have her take as much water as she wants? Food? I already know milk is a bad idea. I just want to make sure she is past the vomiting before she has too much.


Re: Stomach flu advice?

  • when DD had it, I was told after they vomit nothing by mouth for 1 hour, after that small sips every 5 minutes of Gatorade or pedialyte (? sp). If they vomit again start that nothing by mouth for 1 hour again. Also BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, toast). Hope she feels better soon!!!
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • The nurses at our pedi's office actually don't recommend water as it is harder on your stomach.  They recommend pedialyte, gatorade or worst case, flat 7up/Sprite.  Hold off on milk, etc. and then as PP said, follow the BRAT diet.  GL! 
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  • Oh gosh, the stomach virus is going around big time.  DS just got over it but gave it to me and I am 30 weeks preggo.  Good news is it lasts 24-36 hours tops.  I'm probably posting a little late, but never give a child anything to eat or drink while they are actively vomiting.  I did this as a first time mom thinking after my DD had vomited, a nice glass of water would be nice.  Big mistake.  Poor thing projectile vomited in the car and it was everywhere....even on me.  So, if your child is vomit free for one hour, give one teaspoon of pedialylite every five minutes.  They will want to chug it, but don't let them.  After about one hour of this and vomit free, then give 2 ounces at a time every hour.  Do not introduce any food until vomit free for at least four hours.  Ah, and the lovely diahrea is the worst.  They will continue to have loose stool for several days even after vomiting has stopped.  Just resume normal diet.  GL.  I still feel like I have been run over by a truck.  It is VERY contagious from 3 days before to 3 days after so stay away from people...and wash, wash, wash hands.  My poor friend was in my house for like 10 minutes, and didn't touch anyone and came down with it.  There are huge outbreaks all over the country. 
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