After my initial weight loss in the first 6 weeks I haven't lost a pound. I have about 15 lbs left to my pre-pregnancy weight but another 10 lbs of IF weight gain needs to go to.
I feel like I'm making excuses but at the same time...they are kind of valid excuses. I'm really struggling to find time to exercise - I walk with the girls in the stroller but nothing else. We're trying to make cheap and easy, mainly one dish meals for the evenings b/c our evenings are so hectic. I have teenage boys to feed so meals are big and hearty.
Any helpful suggestions, am I really just whining and need to shut up and stop putting food in my mouth? Anyone solve the exercise dilemna? Exercise is made more troublesome by the fact that I stopped exercising during IVFs and not at all during pregnancy so I'm really really out of shape.
Re: Need advice on post partum weight loss
do you belong to a gym? my gym daycare accepts infants after 3 months. have you tried running with the stroller instead of walking? or even brisk walking? what about yoga at home? my kids love watching me do yoga (and they love putting their heads between their legs, too, lol). Do you go to the park? Play with your older kids? do active family activities on the weekend?
good luck, it is just about establishing a schedule and committing to it.
I was thinking about WW - I had good luck losing the baby weight after my teenagers were born with WW.
I haven't jogged with the girls b/c I thought they were supposed to be older before running with them - maybe I don't have complete info on this? I wouldn't mind running with them. I don't belong to a gym and am reluctant to use gym daycare as I work all day and feel too guilty about coming home and handing them off to another caregiver. I love yoga and have some DVD's - guess I just haven't thought of that in a weight loss context but it's certainly better than nothing and good for toning.
My kids are super active but in organized sports so my weekends are spent watching them run around on a field while I sit in the stands.
they say you should wait 6 months before running with them, but if you are out of shape, i suspect you will start off pretty slow (i dont mean that in a rude way, i started off slow when i started back up as well). you may only be able to run a few minutes at a time, too. so, i think 5 months is OK for starting to get back into shape like that.
Post partum weight loss is not easy. I lost more than half in the first month and since then its been an up hill battle to even lose 1 lb. I am exercsing 5 days a week (running, spinning, aerobics). I am so conscious of everything I eat, which isn't much. I've cut out everything possible. Finding time for everything is hard. I'm working straight nights, taking classes, trying to lose weight and trying to be a good mom to my boys and spend as much time w/them as I can. My girl friends tell me that it will happen, just give it time. It's not easy being patient. I want this weight gone. I want to stop wearing my yoga pant uniform & get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I did try WW, but honestly I am way too busy to keep up with counting points, etc. Like I said just being super conscious of what I eat and keeping it to a minimum. Good luck! I hope the scale gets moving for the both of us soon.
I did really well with WW too, although I've gained it all plus back when I stopped following it. :-)
Exercise? What's that? We have a treadmill in the basement, but I can't remember the last time I used it. After the girls are down, it seems like I'm going constantly until it's time for bed or even later (cleaning up, laundry, etc, etc). I think walking with your girls is a great start!
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Do you belong to a Y? (or is joining one an option?) They take babies 6 wks and older. I love going to a variety of classes (sculpting with weights, zumba, step, kickboxing, etc) or they offer traditional equipment (treadmills, etc.). I feel it holds me accountable for working out! Their family rates are very reasonable, and something everyone in your family could enjoy.
Have you checked out the site I LOVE it! Easy and very healthy recipes! My DH has no idea that they are "healthy" and has raved at the different dishes I've made from that site. It gives you a nutritional breakdown as well as points (if you do WW).
I lost a bunch of weight by my 6 wk pp check up. I was psyched and thought more weight would fall off. Nope... I ended up gaining some of it back as I was stuck inside for the winter. I had to cancel my gym membership because we couldn't afford it. I went back to WW, but didn't have any success with it this time (In the past I had lost 50lbs on it).
So basically I maintained my weight for a year and then once the girls turned a year, I had enough. I joined (best part, it's free!) and started tracking everything I ate and found a local Planet Fitness that is only $10 a month. Now I go at 6:30pm after my DH gets home. I have to make myself a priority at this point. Anyway I've lost almost 30lbs since the beginning of December and am running a 5k in a couple weeks. Anyway, you just have to make yourself a priority. If you aren't able to exercise more than walking, definitely track what you eat! That will help a lot! Good luck!!
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
Thanks everyone. It's great to hear what has worked for you and also to know I'm not the only one whose stuck with baby weight.
The skinnytaste site is great. I'll have to try some dinners - dh needs to lose some weight too so he won't mind. I may just have to make my teenagers a separate meal.
I've lost about 60 lbs, but still have about 10 -15 to go (plus, I gained during IF treatments, so I'd really like to lose more). My babies will be a year next month, and I was really hoping to be down to pp weight by their 1st birthday. It's hard to find time to exercise while working full time and taking care of babies. I lost the majority of my weight in the first 4 months (30 from the delivery alone!), but then had to have back surgery, and since then, I haven't lost another pound
I'm right there with you!! Good luck!
I credit my post partum weight loss to BFing and the 30 Day Shred workout video.
It takes up about 30 minutes from getting ready to being all done, so I can fit it into a nap time or put the twins in a bouncer/exersaucer and do the moves to them, which makes them laugh.