Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Would you call the doctor?

When Aiden was a newborn he had a blocked tear duct that lasted quite a while.  In the last, I'd say, 3-4 months it appears that it's back.  His eye is always running and that causes it to get crusty and the skin around his eye gets irritated.  It's not anything like pinkeye - he was at the doctor in December while it was going on.  He has an appointment for a well check up next month but the eye is just non stop and now he says "Eyyyye" all the time in a tone that tells me it hurts or is irritating him but I've always thought the discomfort was from the irritated skin because of the drying tears, kwim?  Anyway, would you just hold off until the March visit or do you think this warrants its own appointment?  What do they do about a clogged tear duct?

ETA:  You know, I hate these types of posts haha  I know I should take him to the doctor so I don't even know why I'm asking :-p  I guess it's less "should I take him" and more "what do you think is going on and has anyone gone through it and what might be done to help it."  I don't know why I didn't just say that.

Formerly known as elmoali :)


Re: Would you call the doctor?

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    I would go just to ensure that it's not anything more than the clogged duct. Especially since it's obviously bothering him. GL, we haven't dealt with them but I've heard they're not fun.
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    I'd take him to the doctor
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    I have a friend whose DD's never fully cleared up. They ended up doing a minor procedure to clear the duct. Sounds like that's maybe what he needs?
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    Since it seems to be bothering him I probably would call. But otherwise I would just do warm compresses on the eye frequently. I also think you can also gently massage the duct with the compress to try and loosen whatever is in there up. GL
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