I peeked into the pg checkin and I just wanted to tell you I had TONS of diarrhea in my first tri, and it started really early on. In fact, if I wasn't on zofran, I had the shiits. The zofran stopped me up big time, and otherwise it was gross. I never had a happy medium. And the nasty taste in my mouth was one of the only other symptoms I had, then the nausea started. Mine wasn't so much metallic like everyone else has, it was like a sugary aftertaste that I can't stand.
Re: *~*AustinBride*~*
BFP 12.20.2010 :: missed m/c 1/2011 around 8 weeks
BFP @ 9dpo 5.24.2011 :: missed m/c 6/2011 around 7 weeks
positive for ANAs (1:40) with a speckled pattern
MTHFR c677t mutation (heterozygous)
*folic acid, baby asprin, Prometrium, acupuncture, Lovenox*
BFP @ 9dpo 2.1.2012 || HCG = 8 : Progesterone = 19.2
2nd HCG @ 11dpo = 40 || 3rd HCG @ 21dpo = over 5000!
Stick, little one, stick! EDD October 15, 2012