This is one of those things that makes sense to do, but somehow I doubt a lot of people do it. We were paying to have our lab's teeth cleaned once a year, but she's 10 now and it seemed hard on her when we did it two months ago - going under the anesthesia and whatnot. So I'm trying to brush her teeth every now and again, but she didn't much like it today!
Do you brush your dog's teeth? Any tips if you do?
Re: Do you brush your dog's teeth?
I do not. I actually tried doing this starting when she was puppy, it never went well. She is 7 and she's had them professionally cleaned only twice - when our vet thought it would be a good idea. I dont' think it matters, but we have a mini schnauzer.
The pet board would have tips for you on this, I'd try there.
We brush our dog's teeth every other day. We also get her teeth cleaned twice a year. She does pretty well with the anesthesia.
She has gum disease, so we are trying to keep it in check. We have been doing this routine for about 9 years. She has already had to have 6 teeth pulled.
We tag team her. I hold her down and then DH brushes. We also follow up with a mouthwash we get from the vet and she hates it.
Elonah [3], Bentley [1]
The cleaning is usually around $250 and then when she has to have teeth pulled it goes up to about 300...not pretty...