
SPD pain - any help for it?

I assume that most MoMs have SPD (aka symphasis pubis dysfunction) pain at some point in their pregnancy, I had it bad with DD towards the end but am in nearly excutiating pain already with the trio.  I have a regular OB appointment tomorrow and MFM in a week -- I plan to mention it but is this just par for the course?  Did anyone do anything to get any relief?  I already work hard at keeping my hips and pelvis aligned, moving my legs together in bed, etc...but really it's the walking around and daily activity that is killing me.  The audible pops of my pelvis are a fun side effect but the actual pain makes me see stars.  I'm just curious whether anyone ever got anything more from their doctors than "yup, that happens," which is what my former OB told me.

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Re: SPD pain - any help for it?

  • Go see a webster certified chiropractor!!!
  • you poor thing - already having that at 15 weeks : ( 

    i had that with my son - it was very close to the end though.  with this twin pregancy, i have it off and was the worst at the end of the 2nd tri/beginning of the 3rd (im 31 1/2 weeks now).  but i know what you mean, it's the walking/standing/lifting etc that is hard.  just standing in the kitchen making dinner would kill me. 

    it's better for me now; i can walk on the treadmill but prefer to sit on my butt on the bike.  but for awhile there walking was very challenging.  i bought the mini prenatal cradle and that helped take off a lot of the pelvic pressure.  but baby A also moved in position - that probably helped the most....

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