BFP!!!! I hate, hate, hate hte saying, "It only takes one" but you ladies were right. Thank you for holding out hope for me when I didn't have any for this cycle. I guess my 1 follicle was my rock star. DH and I are cautiously excited but terrified of what happened last time. Beta is Friday! Hopefully this is our take home baby.
Thank you ladies for all your love and support over the years. you have made this journey a lot less stressful. I knew I could always count on you to be there.
Re: XP: It only takes one! BFP!!!
IVF #1-July 2011 7/9/11-Started Stims
7/20/11-ER:No eggs in 4/5 follicles. Left the 5th follie intact and converted to an IUI
8/3/11-Beta #1=BFN,
Nov, 2011 BFP #1=m/c at 7 wks 3 days
11/11-AMH .47, IVF #2 March 2012...or not!! Surprise BFP on 2/19. Beta #1=161. Beta #2 305 Our little miracle girl is on her way! Due Oct 29, 2012
<a href="
Me: 34 Him: 40
Dx: Severe MFI (low count)
IVF #1 : BFN
IVF #2 : BFP
2 Snowbabies
It's a GIRL!
Severe endo & fibroids, IVF #1 BFP with twins, Gabriel Mark (5/20/12) & Zachary David (5/24/12)- said goodbye to my two angels at 17 weeks due to pprom.
IVF#2 FET 9/24, Beta #1 10/3...
My Blog:
Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
E & C Born 10/19/2012
Oh my goodness, Trish!
This is incredible, delightful news!
I am so so excited for you and I want to scream with joy. I truly hope this is it and that Friday holds wonderful updates. You made my day!
Me: 39, Dx DOR (FSH = 10.5, AMH = 0.43, best AFC = 10), AMA
MH: 37, Dx Obstructive Azoospermia, multiple successful sperm retrieval procedures
2/2012: IVF/ICSI #2 MDLF (4R, 4M, 1F) = BFP, saw heartbeat, missed m/c 9w0d, D&E
8/2012: IVF/ICSI #3 EPP/MDLF (7R, 2M, 1F) = BFN
12/2012: (New RE) Operative hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue
1/2013: IVF/ICSI #4 Low-dose stim/Antagonist (AFC=6); ER=1/26 (5R-couldn't access rt ovary, 5M, 4F), ET=1/29 (trans 3) = BFP!; 2/11 beta#1(13dp3dt)=2127, 2/13=3367; twin girls due 10/19/13
PAIF/SAIF very welcome!
<a href="" title="Pregnancy"><img src="" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0" /></a>
TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
DE IVF #3 1/14 ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d
DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!
K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days
beta#1 3/21 (14dp3dt)=413, beta#2 3/23 (16dp3dt)=785, u/s 4/11
EDD 11/25/12
Positive for HLA-B27, I'm a mutant
Testing - Me ok, gluten issue? DH - borderline count, low motility
4/28/11 IUI#1 = BFP!(5/25), EDD 2/2/12 - m/c 5w3d
7/3, 7/31, 9/25 - IUI#2-4=BFN
IVF#1 - 1 blast = BFP!! (12/30), EDD 9/9/12, confirmed c/p 4w2d
FET#1 3/2/12 - 2 blasts =BFP!! EDD 11/18/12, us#1 = twins! Confirmed m/c 5w6d
4/20-surprise BFP and another c/p 4w2d
FET#2 7/16/12 - 2 blasts = BFN
FET#3 8/20/12 - 1 blast - BFP!! Beta #1-2=177, 354
1st u/s 5w6d, one beautiful little HB , 2nd u/s 146bpm
baby girl born 5/10/13
TTC#2 since 12/17/2014, Cycle 8
Repeat Testing...FSH=12, AMH=3.8, AFC=28.
IUI#5 5/10/15- c/p?
IVF#2 8/19/15 - cancelled due to cysts
IVF#2 take two 10/2015 - 5 blasts frozen
FET#4 12/11/2015 - BFN - 4 blasts remaining
FET#5 2/18/16 - BFP!!! Beta1-3, 126, 250, 745!!
Tons of love and ((hugs)) to my IF sister NMscubagirl
02/10-low progesterone on 21 day bloodwork (5.2); on hold due to cyst
04/2010-9/2010 6 failed Clomid cycles with TI (unmonitored)=BFN 4/10 SA= perfect
8/10-HSG all clear
9/10-started seeing RE
10/10-Femara + TI= BFN
11/2010 through 2/2011 IUI #1-3 Femara + Ovidrel=BFN
03/2011 through 8/2011 BREAK CYCLES (had 8 babyshower to go to, house remodel, 30th b-day and College Graduation)
9/2011-Started back to RE, waiting on cycle due to it being late, and work travel had to hold off IUI #4 till 10/2011
10/2011- IUI #4 on hold due to cyst, 2 weeks BCP
11/2011- IUI #4 (11-21-2011?) Femara + Follistim + Ovidrel=Converted over to T.I. (NO Trigger) due to too many follicles=BFN
3 cysts due to follistim cycle
January 2012=IVF #1 cancelled and converted to IUI #4 due to dominant follicles=BFNN
IVF 1.2=??? on hold due to cysts, on hold w/o B.C. till they resolve
br> Aug 2012 IVF 1.2, cyst aspiration 8/7, ER8/16, Dr found Endometriosis in Left tube during ER ER:7, Fert 5, 5DT scheduled 8/21/2012, transfered 2 Blasts, hpt + 8/28/2012, beta 8/31/2012-BFP -21(chemical pregnancy
IVF #2 October 2012
ER 10/13/2012, 6R,5M,3F
10/15/12 ET:3dt 2 embies
+HPT 6dp 3dt.
1st beta 10/29/12 Positive 13dp 3dt=654
2nd Beta: 10/31/2012: 1,836
3rd beta 11/5/2012 (20dp 3dt:13,655
1st u/s 11/12/12 TWINS!!! 2nd u/s 11/26/12
DX: 6/9/2011: Azoo ICSI/IVF only option for biological child
IVF #1: ER - 9/26 * ET - 10/1 * beta#1 10/13 - 140 * beta#2 10/17 - 477 * beta#3 10/20 - 1101
1st u/s at 6w6d - one hb * 2nd u/s at 8w3d - no hb detected 11/10/11 * natural m/c 11/13/11
FET #1 Jan/Feb 2012 - 3 delays - cancelled 2/13
FET #1.2 - May/June 2012 - ET 6/6/* beta#1 6/15 - 95 * beta #2 6/19 - 322 * beta #3 6/22 - 940
7/6 1st u/s @ 7 weeks - one beautiful hb - released from RE
EDD 2/22/2013
Severe MFI. Me: supposedly all clear but eggs showed vacuoles.
IVF #1 January 2012, ER Jan 14th: 34R, 27M, 23F. Day 3: 18 embies still strong. Day 5: zero "good," one "fair," the rest "poor." Transferred 3. None made it to blast or to freeze. Jan 28: BFN.
Lucky IVF #2: Transferred two beautiful day three embies on St. Patrick's Day. BFP on HPT 7dp3dt. Beta 1 (14dpER)=106; Beta 2 (16dpER)=140; Beta 3 (19dpER)=264! First u/s 4.17.
Hope is the thing with feathers - that perches in the soul - and sings the tune without the words - and never stops - at all - (Emily Dickinson)
TTC #1
IVF #2 w ICSI-6/21/11 ER, 4 Eggs, 2 Fertilized, 6/24/11 3 day ET 2 embryos- Beta 7/5/11- BFN- No frosties.
IUI #1- started 50ius of follistim 1/25, IUI 2/3/12 - BFN
AMH-0.73- DOR 2/2012
IUI #2- 3/17/12 started 200ius of Follistim , 3/24/12 added ganirelix, 225ius Follistim and 75ius of repronex, IUI- 3/30/12, Beta April 13, 2012-BFN
Appointment with Dr. Schoolcraft at CCRM July 18, 2012
AMH tested again 1/2013- 1.4!!!!
IUI #3- 1/14/13 started 200ius of Follistim, 1/20/13 added menopur and ganirelix, IUI 1/25/13. Positive HPT 2/6/13- Beta #1- 193- BFP!!! 2/8/13-Beta#2-426.6
2/26 ultrasound #1- TWINS!
Delivered a healthy beautiful baby boy on 10/17/13 10ls. 2 ounces
IUI #4 cancelled due to only one egg responding
PAIF or SAIF Welcome
DS1 born July 2002 (previous marriage).
TTC since Oct 08. DH Dx w/testicular cancer March 09.
MFI due to retrograde ejaculation/azoospermia.
5/2 IVF #1 cancelled due to large follie.
6/14 start Lupron for IVF #1.2. 6/22 start stims.
7/4 ER and Biopsy.
7/9 Transferred 2 (1-4BB and 1-3BB) embryos. 4 frosties.
7/15 +HPT 6dp5dt. 7/18 Beta #1: 193. 7/20 Beta #2: 415.
8/10 1st u/s - It's triplets!
Beta#1 (12dp3dt)= 353, Beta#2 (15dp3dt)= 1466, Beta#3 (22dp3dt)= 14,139, First u/s: TWINS!!
After 10 weeks of bedrest, our two little ladies joined us at 28w6d
Dx: DH - Azoo, Me - Mild PCOS
DH - sperm found! Seems to produce only for a few days every 70 days!
Over 1 million in cryo in 15 vials over 6 samples
IVF #1 - 1 beautiful expanded blast transferred, 4 snowbabies - beta #1 11/30/11 = BFFN
FET #1, transfered 2 embies 2/16/12 = BFFN; 1 snowbaby left in cryo
IVF #2 + CGH = 4 genetically normal embies on ice. FET September 26th
SAIF/PAIF always welcome
a special GL and prayers to my IF sister Gregermis
check out my blog!
DH: Severe MFI/Azoo Me: Compound heterozygous MTHFR
IVF #1= m/c- methotrexate @6w2d
IVF #2= m/c- D&C @8w5d
IVF #3= Beta #1 9dp5dt= 252, Beta #2 11dp5dt= 417, Beta #3 17dp5dt= 4,952
US #2 @ 7w2d= twins, baby B measuring behind
US #3 @ 8w5d= Baby A doing well, no HR in baby B
*S/PAIF always welcome*
TTC since September 2009.
IVF #2: +HPT 2/6/12! ~ Boy/Girl Twins!!
Words cannot even express how happy I am for you!!! I know the struggles you have been through and I have FX for this to be your take home baby!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
Too beautiful for this earth
BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12