My Team Green, Med-Free Fast VBAC story (long)

I had a cesarean section with my son after being induced at 40w4d and pushing for over 3 hours to no avail. When I became pregnant this time around, I decided right away that I wanted to try for a VBAC.  My doctor and the hospital he is associated with do not perform VBACs, so I switched to a midwife/OB group that does.

The morning of my 39 week appointment, I woke up around 3:30am with some pain in my abdomen and decided to sleep on the couch. DH woke me up around 7:30 to get up and shower. During my shower and while I was getting ready, I was having contraction but they were about 15 minutes apart. I had had contractions that were about 15-20 minutes apart several times in the past few weeks so I didn?t think much of it. The three of us (myself, DH and DS) headed to my appointment.  My doctor checked me for dilation and I was 5 cm! She immediately sent me to the hospital -at this point, I still didn?t think I was in labor since my contractions were still 15 minutes apart and not too painful.

I was checked into the hospital at 10:15am and was immediately put on the monitors. About 10 minutes later, the baby?s heart rate dropped in the low 90s. Suddenly, I was surrounded by two doctors and about 5 nurses -they broke my water and hooked up an internal monitor to the baby, at this point I had dilated to 7cm.  The baby?s heart rate stabilized and 20 minutes later I had the urge to push, my OB was at the hospital by now and checked me...I was 9cm! They offered me the epidural but warned that it may slow down labor, I decided to decline. I HATE pain but I didn?t want anything to decrease my VBAC chances.  

A few minutes later, I was fully dilated with a slight lip. They had me get on my hands and knees to rock back and forth since baby was sunny side up. This part was incredibly painful for me and I yelled through most of it. I did this for about 20 minutes, at this point baby had flipped and I was ready to push.  Let me just say, the urge to push really does feel like you have to have a bowel movement (with DS, I had an epidural so I never really felt the ?urge?).  Pushing was a relief from the contractions but it was exhausting and the baby?s head kept coming out slightly and then going back in.  I pushed for 40 minutes before my OB performed a small episiotomy (only required a few stitches) and out SHE came! When she came out, it was the biggest relief I have ever felt. My little girl was put on my chest immediately and it was truly one of the greatest moments of my life!

Charlotte Mae was 6lbs. 4oz and 18 inches long (just a little peanut!) born on February 6th at 12:36pm.  Since everything happened so fast, DS was in my L&D room up until I started pushing when a nurse took him out of the room. I joked with my husband that I had become one of those women I had always ?hated? - having a quick, med-free labor a week early :). Charlotte is nursing well and I love to see DS interact with her. I have had no complications, have been off pain meds since I was in the hospital and so happy that I chose to try for a VBAC!

My total labor time (from hospital check-in to delivery) was about 2 hours and 20 minutes!



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Re: My Team Green, Med-Free Fast VBAC story (long)

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