Joseys and a few others were going to help me decide what to dress the family in for DDs 3 mo/Spring/Easter pics. She will be wearing both of these, I need to choose one of them and coordinate outfits for DH, DS, and I to wear with it. The boys will wear khakis. I was thinking a polo and tie for DS, but idk what colors.
I am open to all suggestions! Thanks!
Re: PIPs as requested
I vote #2. It's bright and looks great in the pics. I assume the first one looks great in person (the lace and detail work) but it really doesn't translate well to the pics.
ETA: Reading FAIL - I thought we were picking between the dresses. I'm no help on outfit coordination.
Any suggestions as to what we should wear?
I pick the second one for coordinating.
I have DH and DS do orange or yellow (prob one of each), and you in bright pink.
Here is a photo we had of our kids/nieces/nephew from last summer in bright you could even do bright blue/green on the guys - any thing the same 'tone'.
You can wear a pink cardigan or dress, DS a dress shirt and orange or right tie and DH can coordinate with DS. If you cannot find a tie try etsy. Any chance you sew?
Here's a link I like for helping to match outfits/colors:
As much as I love #2, I think the first one will be easier to coordinate for a family picture. If you coordinate with #2, it's going to be very bright and more distracting, rather than a homogeneous look.
With #1, I would have the boys in light blue shirts (polo or button up) and you wear a nice white blouse. Khakis would look nice with the boys.
FWIW - I worked in a portrait studio for YEARS, so that's where the advice is coming from.