The south store has boot cut Lu.cky jeans for $30, and they have them in ankle, reg, and long. The wash is nice, slightly faded. Think contemporary stone-wash. Note that they are not vanity-sized, alas. So I was a 12, not the deluded 8 I get to be with NYDJ jeans.
Re: PSA: Lu.cky jeans at
The Lucky jeans are awesome. They're at the North location also and I love mine to death.
But I'm a little jealous of these vanity sized NYDJ. I could swear that I tried those on during my Great Jean Search of 2011 and I had to go up a size for them.
Chicklit- (a) Whatever, Miss I-jog-for-fun!
(b) Did you get help trying on the NYDJ jeans? It was only because the sales clerk at Nordstrom told me they stretched that I was able to fit into an 8.
Rosie- With NYDJ jeans you're basically robbing Peter to pay Paul. Yes, I get to wear size 8, but I'm also wearing a brand whose acronym stands for "Not your daughter's jeans." It might as well be ITGU, as in "I've totally given up." Oh, and they're $90-$120, which is annoying. But they really do hold junk in and do it comfortably. Nothing beats well-placed spandex.