
* Stubbs

Hey - 

Kids and I are really doing well!  Started a new job today (sucks but, eh, it's a job) and the hours are great, I can still pickup/drop off Sam to & from school.  We're a happy, tight-knit little trio and things are relaxed and fun.  When they aren't beating each other up LOL Bryan is 900mph or asleep, nothing in between, creative, smart, cute, and a total bulldozer child.  Who wears glittery lime-green capes and likes my pink nailpolish.  

Sam is bored as hell in Kindy and keeps asking for more to do, has a boyfriend, got her ears pierced, grew 5inches since last April, is so artistic it's almost scary, and is totally lovey... 

As far as stbx, we got taxes back and will be doing paperwork soon.  He's helping with bills/$ and still staying w/his dad, still talks to HER all day every day, had psych evals and officially has adult adhd, ocd, tourette's (these we knew), as well as anxiety so bad he is borderline bipolar and has asperger's but is managing it and it's very mild.  He never really dealt with his parents divorce or his mom's hoarding.  He told me he decided he's fine and will not go to any therapies or take any meds the people rec'd for him.  

Relieved is the best word to describe me lately.  A little sad that I'm not as sad about this as i "should" be. 

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