I'm 24 weeks along and have registered for BG dipes. While cloth diapering was not a hard decision for me, the cloth vs. disposable wipe route is leaving me super confused! Obviously cloth wipes seem more convenient (you can just throw it all in the same wet bag and then toss it in the laundry,) but does that get messy with poo? Especially since I plan on using the diaper sprayer... would I just spray both the poopy diaper and the wipe? I'm just thinking back to the times I changed diapers at the daycare I worked at and sometimes there can be ALOT of poo involved, it just seems counter-productive and gross to me to put wipes with chunks of poo in the washer... does everything stain more? Maybe my questions are silly and maybe I'm over-analyzing the whole thing, but I could really use some help and clarification! Thanks! :-)
Re: Cloth wipe question!
I have been onto solid food for almost 3 months now and it has never occurred to me to swish or rinse a wipe. I just throw it in the pail.
I try to wipe as much off with the diaper as I can and that helps.
Never been an issue in my wash machine either.
I only spray off my wipe if there's a lot of poop on it, and it's no big deal at all. I promise, I over thought the wipe thing just like you and was convinced it would be a giant pain, but it's really not
I do have to say that the thin circo wash cloths in the target baby section are the BEST wipes and super cheap
growing a foosa
Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin

After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
Time to make Emilie a big sister!
May '16 2.0: Letrozole+FSH+Menopur+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP! first beta-45.44, second beta-148