Cloth Diapering

Tell me about adjusting Fuzzibunz

Is there some trick? I tried them for the first time last night and she wet out through the legs. So do they need to be tighter? When I removed them I noticed a red mark from the button on her leg. So do they need to be looser? What am I doing wrong? I have it on 3 at the waist and 5 at the legs...


Re: Tell me about adjusting Fuzzibunz

  • Their site has suggested settings based on the size of your child.

    Was her diaper saturated? Did you get repelling?

  • No repelling. I used their guide. I think my problem may have been only using one of the inserts and not tucking the buttons into their little holes....
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  • The buttons should definitely be tucked in. You shouldn't see any elastic or buttons once you're done adjusting. It may have just been saturated. I find that the FB don't hold as much with them being more narrow between the legs. They're trimmer, but don't hold as large of a soaker as other diapers.
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