Trying to Get Pregnant


I wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I've been lurking for the last few weeks and I've learned a ton, so, thanks! :)

My TTC experience has been short so far and I'm amazed at the experiences and endurance you all have. It's really inspiring.

I've only been TTC for 3-4 cycles so far, and the first couple I was sort of winging it, tracking only my cycle length to see how it adjusted off BC. I was frustrated quickly by the lack of control by just winging it, so I started temping this past cycle.

Now I'm venting: I was excited to get some data from temping this month, but I travelled across the country for work for a week (when I thought I would have O'd). I was stressed out and had trouble sleeping, so my temps were all over the place with no pattern. I'm on CD32 (my previous cycles were 31, 29, and 27 days). I had some odd cramping last week but I've gotten BFNs every day since CD28. I'm now thinking that because I was stressed while traveling that maybe I didn't O until I got back and I'll be 7-10 days late? So frustrating, I just want AF to come so I can start a new cycle! I'll be home and relaxed for the next three weeks so hopefully I can get some good temp data.  

Anyway, thanks for reading. I know I'm just starting and I'm optimistic. :)

Have a good Monday! 

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