Of course I miss my baby terribly, but I'm also finding that I actually miss being pregnant, too. Even though I complained about morning sickness and swelling and all the other yucky parts of pregnancy, I really miss all of them. Anyone else feel like this? And do you think this is common in all pregnancies or more so with us loss moms?
Re: I miss being pregnant
Having perspective from both sides here, I think it's a loss thing. After DD was born, I did NOT miss being pregnant as I was so miserable towards the end- bloated, bad hip pain, could hardly sleep, etc. So it was just a relief to not feel so huge anymore. After DS was born I SO missed being pg. I miss feeling him kick & I miss rubbing my belly. I think part of it is because I wasn't supposed to be "done" being pg yet, he came SO early. The other part, well- if I had been able to take him home I would be caught up in all those happy moments & busy taking care of a newborn so I don't think I would've missed it then.
That said, pg is hard for me. Some people feel great when they are pg so I'm sure that plays into it too.
Source: weheartit.com via Captain on Pinterest