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Cow Patties Diapers has OS customs (AI2 or pockets) on for $10 all month. Fabric choices in her albums here.
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march17:Just realized I had the wrong holiday... I meant President's Day.
Bahahaha I was wondering if that's what you meant! Hehehe
Re: diaper sales?
DS Born: 6/02/2012
Tied the Knot: 11/14/2015
Trying for Number Two since 9/1/15
BFP!!! Baby 2 Due: 12/6/21
Cow Patties Diapers has OS customs (AI2 or pockets) on for $10 all month. Fabric choices in her albums here.
Join a facebook group like this one to watch for sales:
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Bahahaha I was wondering if that's what you meant! Hehehe