
Burning pain NOT on incision site-possible nerve damage?

I have had this burning pain that has been off and on and light since having my c/s 6 days ago.  It's on my stomach about 2" above my incision.  It's been bothersome but tolerable.

Well, last night I woke up and it was so bad that I couldn't move for a good 10 mins.  I was shaking and literally screaming out on the top of my lungs in pain. DH was terrified for me thats how bad it was.  It felt like someone was holding a light against my stomach.  Like I was literally on fire.

I called my Dr today and they said no one has ever complained about pain like this before.  However, a google search showed that it could possibly be nerve damage.  

Was wondering if any other c/s ladies have experienced this before?  If so, what did you do to treat the pain and how long did it last?  I'm in complete fear that its coming back.  It was by far the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.  

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Re: Burning pain NOT on incision site-possible nerve damage?

  • I wouldn't trust google and diagnose yourself.  Is your doctor seeing you anytime soon?  
    m/c - Dec 2005, DS - March 27, 2007, m/c - Oct 2009, DD - Feb 20, 2012

    Proud mother of two breech babies:)

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  • I remember having a  burning sensation for a couple of weeks after my c-section, but not so badly that I was screaming in pain. Can you take a pain pill? I would call your doctor. From what I remember, the burning sensation was the only pain I had with my c-section, and my doctors and nurses said it was normal. 
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  • OMG! I have this too! Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks sense my c-section and I didn't have any pain for the first 2 weeks because I was distracted by having both my babies in the NICU, but now I'm feeling the burn! I asked about it at my 2 week check and they said it was nerves trying to reconnect, but it hurts so bad! Hope it gets better soon! Good Luck!
    Matthew & Lillian 1/23/2012 It's TWINS!!!!! 1rst IVF May 2011 ER 5/30/11 ET 6/2/11 2 transfered #1 6/10/11 211 #2 6/13/11 880!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • I'm very curious to hear the answer to this. I had a c-section a week ago, and I have that same pain. It is on the left side s out an inch or two above the incision. I've been wondering what it was! It hurts worse than anything else!
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