
OPK Users - Question!

 + OPK three days before O?

 That is what FF is telling me.  What do you think?  Isn't that pretty unlikely?  I took it at 1 pm after not drinking much and holding urine.


Re: OPK Users - Question!

  • The OPK gives the surge, you might just O a little early this month. Go have sex though.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Sorry, I am 3 dpo now, according to FF, but my + OPK was 3 days before FF says I O'd.
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  • It's somewhat possible but I also think it's more possible that your O was a little earlier than FF thinks. I charted while TTC DD and based on the ultrasound I'm pretty sure my O was the day after my + OPK and that my temp just rose a little more slowly or later. Also keep in mind that your body doesn't understand time and days - if you wake up at 6am but O'd at like 7am, your temp wouldn't register anything til the next day 23 hours after.
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