Cloth Diapering

Diaper rash cream

We're expecting our first LO in a few weeks and I have a few questions about diaper rash creams.  I know that CD babies get far fewer rashes, but are diaper rash creams with zinc safe to use with CD?

I've been using this chart as a reference:

It looks like CB diaper rash cream is good to use, but it contains zinc oxide and I thought that was not ideal for CD.

I also received Babyganics Hiney Heler as a gift.  It too contains zinc.  I emailed the company and they stated that it was safe to use with CD.  Has anyone used Hiney Helper with CD?

 Thanks for your help.


Re: Diaper rash cream

  • If DS got a rash, I would always use whatever sort of rash cream I had and just put a fleece liner in his dipe so that the cream didn't touch his diaper.  If he had thrush (which we  both did many times from nursing) I would use sposies and Rx cream.
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  • If CB means California Baby, I am under the assumption that it is safe to use.  I think that there are better....but this one is conveniente since you can get it at Target.


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  • we use CJ's butter when needed. It is fully CD safe. I always worry about a liner shifting.
  • I've seen a couple of CD safe creams that contain zinc - everything I've read said that it is "vegetable grade zinc," whatever that means.  We use California Baby at every diaper change (my son gets a horrible rash every time we try to stop using diaper cream) and haven't had any problems with staining or repelling.
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