
How many c-sections can you have?

I really wanted a natural birth but due to some pretty serious medical problems, I spent 2 days in labor just to push for 4 hours and then have an emergency c-section. 

DH and I have always wanted at least 3 kids so I'm kind of wondering how many c-sections I can safely have?



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Re: How many c-sections can you have?

  • I'm not sure the recommended number but my OB said she doesn't worry about scar tissue and other issues until you are at the 4th c-sec.
  • I'm interested to see if anyone has any conclusive answer to this based on studies and whatnot. I have heard of people having four c-sections, but I have also heard that the more you have, the more risky the pregnancies and deliveries become. I think the latter is probably true; it just makes sense. But I don't know to what extent - I don't know HOW dangerous a second or third c/s is as compared to a first. And I don't know if it's a risk I'd be willing to take..when does it become too risky? I assume I'll be doing more research on this myself when I get pregnant again. I realize I'm no help at all in regards to your actual question, lol.

    My labor went similarly to yours the first time around (23 hours of labor, 3.5 hours pushing) but I fully intend to try for a VBAC next time around. We also have talked about having three babies and I'd like to avoid a second (and maybe third) surgery if possible.

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  • Different doctors have different opinions.  My previous ob told me I can have 5. My current ob didn't specify the number, but she said after 2 c-sections, I'll always have to have c-sections in the future.  My husband's co-worker's wife had 3 c-sections with no problem, and their kids are 18 months apart.  They are thinking about having another one.

    On the other hand, my friend's ob said she could only have 2 c-sections, and she had to wait at least 2 years to get pregnant again after one.  She doesn't have any medical conditions.  It's just her doctor's policy, I think mainly because he doesn't want to get sued if something goes wrong.  I told her she could always find another doctor, but she doesn't want any more kids, so it was fine with her.

    There are a lot of 3rd timers on this board:)

    m/c - Dec 2005, DS - March 27, 2007, m/c - Oct 2009, DD - Feb 20, 2012

    Proud mother of two breech babies:)

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  • I have heard up to 4 also. I do know a lot of doctors now days wont let you even try for a natural birth after have a c/s because it is riskier. Good news is though if you have another c/s it will be a walk in the park compared to the first one. I was the same way when I had my first c/s pushing for hours then an emerency c/s. I was in so much pain for days but the next one went so much smoother.
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  • I talked to several of the OBs in my practice about this. All of them said it really depends on the woman and how they heal and recover after c/s. None of them throught twice about me being pg with #3 b/c I had easy recoveries from my other 2 and had minimal scar tissue. This is it for us. I will be having my tubes tied during my 3rd c/s in June

    My practice will make you have a c/s with the 3rd if you have had 2 previous c/s. Also one of my friends that goes to my practice had her 3rd c/s about a year ago and she had 2 of the OBs in the OR instead of an OB and a surgery nurse. I've asked about this at my appts and it didn't seem like I would have that so I don't know if there was something special with her case or not.

    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Thanks for all of the info!

    I made the choice that I didn't want a VBAC for multiple reasons.  It really sucks, I can't even hear about people having natural births without being totally bummed for missing out on my birth experience.  (It wasn't routine, I don't remember anything from the OR and didn't get to see my son until about 4 hours after I delivered. Miss his first bath and everything.)

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  • My doctor told me the max he felt comfortable with was 4. That was a non-issue for me as I only want 2-3 kids. By the 6th section the risk to mom are fairly big.

    Here's some research--



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  • I am planning on a VBAC with this baby, but I did ask my OB in the event I do not have a successful VBAC with this baby. He told me he has done as many as 7 on one woman. However he did tell me that they would evaluate me after every one and let me know if it was safe or not. I was told though that most woman can have at least 4 without any huge concerns, but some are also only able to have 1-2. It all depends on the woman herself.
  • My OB told me there isn't a set number, it depends on the woman and how she heals. She said sometimes when they go in, the uterus is still nice and thick, and other times it is almost paper thin. It just depends on the woman.
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  • imagetma1685:
    I have heard up to 4 also. I do know a lot of doctors now days wont let you even try for a natural birth after have a c/s because it is riskier. Good news is though if you have another c/s it will be a walk in the park compared to the first one. I was the same way when I had my first c/s pushing for hours then an emerency c/s. I was in so much pain for days but the next one went so much smoother.

    This isn't true. VBAC or RCS are both reasonable options, and are about as risky as each other (though they have different risks). The rate of uterine rupture is about .5-.7%

    The safety of having more than two c-sections does just depend on the woman, but the risks of complications (either with the surgery, or with subsequent pregnancies) go up with each one. 

    Here's a medical journal about the risks associated with c-sections (not to scare anyone!). 


    ETA: OP, sorry, missed your second post!


    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • imagenosoup4u:

    I have heard up to 4 also. I do know a lot of doctors now days wont let you even try for a natural birth after have a c/s because it is riskier. Good news is though if you have another c/s it will be a walk in the park compared to the first one. I was the same way when I had my first c/s pushing for hours then an emerency c/s. I was in so much pain for days but the next one went so much smoother.

    This isn't true. VBAC or RCS are both reasonable options, and are about as risky as each other (though they have different risks). The rate of uterine rupture is about .5-.7%

    OP - is VBAC an option? I chose to attempt one in part because I wasn't comfortable with the risks that come with three c-sections (we're still not sure if we want a third, but I wanted to keep that option open). 

    The safety of having more than two c-sections does just depend on the woman, but the risks of complications (either with the surgery, or with subsequent pregnancies) go up with each one. 

    Here's a medical journal about the risks associated with c-sections (not to scare anyone!). 


    OP said VBAC wasn't an option for her.  But this information is correct.  Not sure why the first poster in the thread thinks many doctors don't do VBACs.  It's actually becoming more common now that the research has shown in many cases it's safer.  Obviously there are risks with c/s and VBAC so you have to take a closer look.

    For OP- my SIL had 4 c/s's.  She came through all four just fine but her third and fourth children had NICU stays as a result of complications from the c/s's.  Both children are fine now.  I believe she was advised not to have any more after #4.

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  • This varies from OB to OB, depends on how well you healed and how much scar tissue you have. My OB tops things at 3 c-sections because after that she there can be too much scat tissue built up.
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  • For me, due to my history, my OB advises only 1 more. I know someone who has had 5.
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  • I have had three with no problems.  When I went in for my yearly pap smear, my OB said he didn't see a problem with me having another one.  I asked him when does he usually tell woman to stop and he said he and his practice usually says 5.
  • I've had 3 and my dr said I should have another baby to even things out. I will say though that the 3rd one was way more uncomfortable than the first 2. It seemed to take a long time to cut through (felt like a lot of sawing), and I'm TTC for #4 & am a little nervous about one more c/s. My aunt is an L&D nurse & I asked her once how many c/s you could have & she said they recommend no more than 4 usually, but that if you get pg, they have to get it out. 
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