
Another tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy question- About recovery

My DD, 4 yr old, is having both tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy  and possible tubes put in her ears on the 24th.

I think I am pretty well prepared for the actual surgery, but what can you suggest to have on hand for recovery for DD to eat drink or anything to make her more comfortable?

Obviously, ice cream, popcicles, jello, brothy soup (nothing red, I understand)- but what else?

The nurse who called to pre-register DD, also mentioned to have on hand non-citrus-y juice; what type should I get, would apple be good? what about white grape?

Any advice on what not too give? How to keep DD hydrated? Advice for the car ride home?

How bad is it really? When I had mine out I stayed in the hospital for a week due to complications, now it being 'outpatient' surgery it scares me something will happen shortly after getting her home. You can't really ask to stay overnight, can you?

Any advice would be great.

Re: Another tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy question- About recovery

  • My kids haven't had the surgery but I had to have it in high school so I sort of remember.  I liked not-red-gatorade (but maybe that's not for a kid).  I also was super sensitive to cold things and prefered things like mashed potatoes with lots of gravy.  Really it wasn't so bad and I've always heard that it is easier on kids than teens/adults.  Hope she has an easy recovery! 
  • My DS (4 years old) had this done in November. As far as the actually surgery and car ride home, I was so happpy to have my inlaws come and help me. I was planning on taking him by myself but they offered to come and help out. It was so nice to have someone in the waiting room, because it was SO nerve racking for me. Putting him under was one of my biggest fears. Also, for the car ride home in was great that my MIL was able to ride in the backseat while I drove so that incase he threw up there was someone there to help him. The hospital gave us a throwup bag just incase as well. He didn't end up throwing up, but from some other moms I talked to it was very common.

    As far as food goes they suggested scrambled eggs, mashed potatos, any soft food. Unfortunately, my son started out loving yogurt but at one point started crying that it was too cold. So for a few days we switched to room temp pudding. He drank a lot of juice boxes (apple juice) and some gatorade.

    He was pretty grumpy off and on for a few days but he would also get up and play when the pains meds were working. We did watch a lot of movies, but overall we got through it. He had no complications and it has made a world of difference for him.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • My son (4yrs.) had tubes and adenoids done last week. I had myself a wreck over it, and it turned out to be a very easy recovery. I agree with pp about what to eat and drink. I also had the pedialyte popsicles in case he wouldn't drink. Our surgery was quick. In at 10, surg at 12, home by 3:30. Ds was pretty out of it most of the day and slept. He detested the ear drops, so good luck with that! My only advice is to keep a steady stream of tylenol/motrin in his system. That way, he won't be in a ton of pain. My son was back to normal by day 3. The only down side was that the anesthesia backed him up a little, so I had to give a dose of miralax to move his bowels. Other than that, it was a good experience. 
  • Both DDs had their tonsils & adenoids out when they were 2. They spent the night in the hospital because it is a 3.5 hr drive for us, plus they were so young. DD#1 did throw up that night (her surgery was in the morning) but was fine the next day and I drove the 3.5hrs home with her by myself. She mostly slept. She was eating spaghetti by the end of day 2 (her request).

    DD#2 did much better than even DD#1 did (and I thought she handled it pretty well minus the vomitting, though we did have some trouble getting her to drink anything).

    DD#1 like pudding and popsicles. DD#2 wanted ice cream.

    I did have soup, jell-o, eggs, etc. at home but they were both back to eating pretty normally by day 3. Just make sure you try to push the fluids as much as you can and in whatever form they will take it - water, juice, popsicles, whatever will keep them hydrated and drinking something.

    Good luck!

    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
  • imageLoveTX:

    My DS (4 years old) had this done in November. As far as the actually surgery and car ride home, I was so happpy to have my inlaws come and help me. I was planning on taking him by myself but they offered to come and help out. It was so nice to have someone in the waiting room, because it was SO nerve racking for me. Putting him under was one of my biggest fears. Also, for the car ride home in was great that my MIL was able to ride in the backseat while I drove so that incase he threw up there was someone there to help him. The hospital gave us a throwup bag just incase as well. He didn't end up throwing up, but from some other moms I talked to it was very common.

    As far as food goes they suggested scrambled eggs, mashed potatos, any soft food. Unfortunately, my son started out loving yogurt but at one point started crying that it was too cold. So for a few days we switched to room temp pudding. He drank a lot of juice boxes (apple juice) and some gatorade.

    He was pretty grumpy off and on for a few days but he would also get up and play when the pains meds were working. We did watch a lot of movies, but overall we got through it. He had no complications and it has made a world of difference for him.

    Do not let your LO drink out of a straw after a tonsillectomy.  This pressure from the suction puts them at a greater risk for a tonsil bleed, which can be a serious complication.  Do push the fluids, even if they don't want them (it does hurt!) because dehydration is another risk factor, just be sure to skip the straw!

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  • I had my tonsils out at 23 but I liked frozen or regular apple juice, the first day water was hard to drink bc it was hard to gulp and for some reason apple juice seemed thicker or something. Chicken soup from a box, mashed potatoes, Jello. I would avoid dairy including ice cream bc it increases mucus and coughing After surgery hurt as did clearing your throat, frozen ices and jello are a million times better as treats IMHO. 
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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