
Those rejected for Synagis this year

This may have already been posted, but I thought I would post it again just in case:

The above link will take you to the 877 number for MedImmune, the company that makes Synagis.  They have a MAP (Medical Assistance Program) for people who have insurance that won't cover Synagis, and they will also work with you on your appeal to your insurance.  I called and they made me no promises, but they did say that they would look into our case and see what they could do.  They had me fax them (or actualyl my pedi fax them) a copy of the denial from the insurance so they could get started.

I hope this helps someone (including myself!).


Re: Those rejected for Synagis this year

  • Thanks, we havent tried as my son was just born but its good to have this resource in case this problem comes up!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks.  My 30-weeker was rejected by Keystone and my pedi doesn't want to appeal, so I have to do it myself.  I'll be giving this # a call.
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