
12 days old and feeling crazy

Hi ladies-

Baby blues and lack of sleep has officially made me feel crazy.  Just looking for some positive reassurance that they will in fact start sleeping longer and I will not lose my mind all together?

Re: 12 days old and feeling crazy

  • It will be some time before they start sleeping longer....just make sure that you are waking one when the other is so, they'll be on the same schedule.

    If you are feeling blue, call your doctor and ask for some depression meds.  It's totally common and they really, really help.  I was on them for about six months after the babies were born and then, I was good.

    GL hon.... 

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  • Hey there, what you are feeling is soooo normal! Try to take an hour or two for yourself, take a bath, take a walk, take a nap, whatever, just focus on you for a little while!

    Also, if you think it's more than just baby blues, do not hesitate to call your doctor now! I suffered with untreated PPD and PPA for three weeks after DS1 was born, and it was the worst 3 weeks of my life. Meds can help so much, and there is nothing wrong with needing the help! I just wish I had acted sooner, could have enjoyed my son a lot more in the beginning.

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  • Thank you for the responses so far. I should've clarified that I'm already on medication to treat anxiety so I'm pretty sure it's just the hormones ;)

    I would love a stretch of sleep that lasts longer than 2 hours.  We have help from our parents and I try to shut the door and sleep for a few hours while they're here but it's hard to turn my mind off. 

     I assume this gets easier as time goes by?

  • It does get easier as time goes by! I had the same issue with anxiety with my son, I couldn't shut my brain off to sleep, even when someone else was taking care of the baby!

    My best advice is to find something to do before you try to sleep, like reading a few chapters of a trashy novel, something to just totally relax your brain...

    I also finally learned that I could only nap when I was holding him! It was like, if he was in my arms, I could relax. Of course, you need to figure out how to do this safely if you go that option, but it might help too.

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  • imageougrad1:

    It will be some time before they start sleeping longer....just make sure that you are waking one when the other is so, they'll be on the same schedule.

    If you are feeling blue, call your doctor and ask for some depression meds.  It's totally common and they really, really help.  I was on them for about six months after the babies were born and then, I was good.

    GL hon.... 

    Same here.  It is a very rough road when you have newborns.  The most important thing is to talk it out with your husband/partner/doctor.  And also know that they will, at some point, sleep...I promise!  Hang in there!

    Dx with severe endometriosis. DS#1 conceived with Met and TI. TTC#2 for 2.5 yrs. Dx 2nd IF. 4 clomid cycles, 2 IUIs, Finally IVF#1 w/ICSI worked for us! twins born 35w3d. Unexpected total hysterectomy 6/11. Now on the HRT train.

  • Mine are 9 months now and so much easier! The newborn phase seems another lifetime ago now, but I remember feeling like it was the hardest thing I've ever done. My husband and I ended up taking shifts so we would each get at least a 4 or 5 hour stretch. It is hard, very hard but you will make it and it will be so worth it!


  • It is hard! But it does get better.


    I also had a hard time taking a nap when my MIL came over to help out those first few weeks.  The only rest that I could get was when DH was home and took over. For the first few weeks, DH would get home we would eat dinner and then just head up to our room and veg. It was our own personal cocoon.  


    It may sound like the last thing ever you want to do but go outside and get some sun! I remember that was key to my sanity. Take a quick walk around the block.

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  • Those feelings are completely normal!  Many times when DH got home from work, I'd leave the house alone to get some me time, even if it meant groceries, Target, etc.  

    It is important like PP said that the babies remain on the same schedule!  I'd have them feeding 1/2hr apart to allow time to to feed/burp/change first before starting on 2nd.  For the most part, they would nap at same time... take advantage of this and rest too.  The house chores will work itself out, I promise.

    If you really do feel some blues, then talk to doc.  Take care of yourself... if you are sick, who will take care of babies?!


    -- Jackie
    "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Oh yeah, I remember the crash. Adrenaline has worn off and lack of sleep at its height. All I can say is, it will pass. The first year was REALLY hard. Toddlers seem like a piece of cake compared to sleepless nights, endless bottles, and crying as the only means of communication.

     Hang in there!!!

  • Ask someone  you trust to come watch the kids while you take a nice long shower & nap a few times this week & next week. It will help x100.
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  • Oh, I remember feeling the same way with my first 2. Have someone give you a good nap break, take some time for yourself (even 20 minutes), get out of your house any way you can.  Just remember that you are adjusting and it will pass very fast. 

    I will share a quick story...

    When my daughter was a few weeks old, it was freezing outside and I hadn't left my house at all.  I had massive cabin fever, the blues and felt like I was NOT adjusting.  My husband came home all chirpy and told me he was going out to get the oil changed in the car and fix a tire.  I went crazy and said " Oh, so that's what's going to happen now huh? You are just going out to fix the car and have a good time while I sit here being a mom!"  I was CRAZY.  He seriously had no idea how to respond.  Normally, I would have been like "ok, see ya".  I was not having it.  The smallest things obviously set me off. We laugh about that now and share my psycho story with our friends. Long story short, you are going through the norm.  Good luck, get some rest.  

    One more thing. There are lots of opinions about this book but I read it and took lots of advice from it without following it 100%.  It's called Baby Wise.  A friend gave it to me and I used it for both of my kids and plan to use when my twins arrive.  My baby's were able to self soothe when needed, and they slept wonderfully!  At about 4 months they were sleeping at least 6 hours at night, maybe more.  Just a suggestion.   

  • My girls are only 10 weeks now and things are already much better. The first 6 weeks I thought my life was over! I thought I was depressed, but it turned out I was beyond exhausted. My suggestion is to figure out a system at night so you can get a solid 4-5 hrs of uninterrupted sleep each night. That's what really helped me and then they started sleeping at night.  
    Good luck!  
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