

so we've been giving the girls bottled water but does anyone give tap water?  like out of the brita or something....  i believe our tap water isn't bad quality but i know when they were infants the tap water had to be boiled to mix with the formula. 
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Re: water?

  • imageBubGup22:
    so we've been giving the girls bottled water but does anyone give tap water?  like out of the brita or something....  i believe our tap water isn't bad quality but i know when they were infants the tap water had to be boiled to mix with the formula. 

    I've heard that for well water but city tap water is usually considered ok.

    Ours have had tap water from the start.

    Did you ask your pedi?

    I used to work in public health and bottled water is usually "dirtier" than tap.  Tap actually has higher standards than bottled.  And many bottled water companies are actually municipal tap water companies - meaning the bottled water is just tap water from a different city.


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  • We just started using tap water around the same time they started milk. I always used bottle water before, but according to our Pedi and Pedi dentist, it's not necessary. As long as you live in an area with good water (and most are), it should be fine. If you're worried about too much flouride, you can call the city to find out how much is in the water supply.

    Some people even say you don't have to boil the tap water for infants (and I probably wouldn't), but I guess that depends on the quality of your water. Boiling water for two babies just seems like a lot of extra work, so I'd rather be safe/lazy and just use bottled when they're little.

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  • I agree with PP.  We always used tap water (not boiled!)  with formula for DD.  I plan on doing the same thing this go around!
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  • We always gave DS tap water, his pedi said it was fine b/c we have city water. Just check with your pedi or the city to see what your situation is.
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  • Tap water it is.  Thanks!


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