So, we've officially given up on DS taking a bottle. I have about 500 ounces of frozen BM in my stash in our deep freezer that I have no idea what I'm going to do with now. I pump once at work in the morning so that I don't have to go 5+ hours between feedings, and I pump once to empty before going to bed. That usually nets around 6ish ounces total every day.
Is there any reason you can think of that I'll want to keep some of my stash? What I'm pumping is plenty to cover the 3 ounces/day he uses in his breakfast oatmeal.
How do I go about donating breast milk? I know some organizations require blood work, etc., and won't take milk older than a certain number of months. Are all organizations like this? Any recommendations for places to start?
Other ideas on what I possibly should/could do with all that milk?
Re: Help me think this through, re: donating breast milk
We've tried them, but right now he just chews. (:::kicks teething in the nuts:::)
I'm worried that by the time he's proficient with an alternative cup (sippy, straw, etc.), some of the milk will be too old? I know "they" say in a deep freezer it's fine for 6-12 months, but we usually stayed more on the 6-month end of that spectrum. Do you think it matters if we wait more toward the 12-month end?
Good point, rather than starting cow milk at a year in a cup, we could just keep trying with BM....
This. We're trying to transition to whole milk, and so far the only way we can get her to drink it is by mixing breastmilk in. We've been 1 oz BM and 3 oz whole milk for a month now, and as soon as we cut that BM, she refuses to drink it. So you may want to have some on hand for sippy cup/whole milk transition days.
There are some pretty informal methods of donation to individuals. I just discovered Human Milk 4 Human Babies on Facebook yesterday. See:
You can post an offer, and someone else can reply.
i have a friend i've given milk to because she had a double masectomy (her mom and sister died of breast cancer). she just had her baby a few weeks ago, so she is happy to take whatever she can get (i guess i should ask her if she wants some from my virtual friends first, huh??
just a thought if you can't find an organization to donate to.
alexluvstx at yahoo dot com
Oh wow. If she's up for it, I'm happy to donate to her. I like this way better than a random donation. I'll email you.
This exactly.