I went in on Tuesday morning (10/28) to be induced. I checked in at 7:15am. The pitocin was started at 8:15. My doctor came at 9am and broke my water. I was 3cm dilated. I started feeling contractions at about 11. By noon I requested the epidural- I was 4cm. They couldn't get to me until 12:50- I was so ready at that point! Yay! After the epidural I was checked again and I was 7cm. The epidural only worked on my right side. I could still feel the contractions on my left side and was beginning to feel a lot of pressure. At 1:40pm the nurse checked me again and I was 10cm and ready to push- too late to do anything about the epidural! Anyways, I started pushing at 1:50pm and she was born at 2:12pm. She weighed 6lbs 1oz and was 19 inches long.
I am feeling good and healing well. Klaire is a sweetheart and Kyle loves his role as big brother!
Re: Klaire's Birth Story
Aww, that sounds like a great labor and delivery!
Congrats again.
YAY!!!! That's not bad at all! I'm hoping for a story like that myself!
I'm glad you and your new baby are doing well!!! Kyle too!
glad everything went so well! congrats!