On Saturday 1/14/12 we had a family gathering and most of the day I was having contractions but very sporatic and not lasting more than 30 seconds each. Later that night they started getting stronger and more frequent so I called the doctor and she told me to head on over to the hospital. When I got there I was 1cm dilated and my water had not broken yet. After a few hours of monitoring and no progress they gave me the option of going home or staying in the hospital - I decided to go home this way I can walk around and shower, etc. They figured I would be back within 5-6 hours. Well, nothing happened the rest of the night and the next day.
Sunday night I am still having sporatic contractions but nothing to call the doctro about. I finally head to bed around 12 and am tossing and turning. I feel a wierd gush that I thought was just discharge but it did not stop. I get up to go to the bathroom and I am leaking all over the place - it was my water breaking!!! I call the doctor and we head on out to the hospital. We get checked in and hooked up to the monitors and I am still only 1 cm. The doctor inserts cytotec to get things going. At about 4am on Monday I am checked again and still only 1 cm. They let me sleep and continue to monitor me. It is now around 7am and the contractions are getting stronger and I am still only 1 to 2 cm, since I was on Heparin I could not get an epidural until 12 hours after my last dose (which would be 11:30am) so they give me demarol. About 15 seconds after it goes in my IV I am out cold. I remember waking up for the contractions trying to remember my breathing and then falling back to sleep. Most of the labor is a blur thanks to the demarol. After a couple hours they check me again and I am 10cm! They could not believe I went from 1 to 10 cm in about 3 1/2 hours. I start pushing and could not tell you how many times I pushed or for how long since I kept falling alseep between pushes. All I remember is them calling for the doctor because I was crowning and ready to deliver. I was still pretty groggy from the demarol but pushed my little heart out (still with no epidural). At 11:26am Juliana Suzanne was born, she was 7lbs 9oz and 21 inches long. I had second degree tearing and the worst part that I remember was being stitched up.
She is an absolute angel and we could not be more in love with her.
Re: My beautiful baby girl - 1/16/2012
congratulations on your beautiful little girl!! she has the best birthday too- it's the same day as mine! Enjoy your new little one!!