
How much cleavage do you show at work?

So, I have big boobs.  They're even bigger now that I'm nearing the end of pregnancy.  It's damn near impossible to find maternity shirts/dresses that don't have a deep vee neckline (most of the ones I've come across are the "crossover" style).  I wear a cami underneath all my shirts, but I still feel a little self-conscious that I'm showing too much cleavage.

Should I be looking for maternity turtlenecks now that my boobs are out of control?

Re: How much cleavage do you show at work?

  • When I was working....NONE.  I have double D's not being pg, so being pg made them even bigger.  Towards the end, I was wearing a lot of turtlenecks and crewneck t-shirts.
  • lol!  i don't have boobs, so i never have cleavage.  after i came back from maternity leave though i had on a cross over top w/ a tank under it.  when i went to the rest room prior to pumping i looked in the mirror while washing my hands and thought "holy sh!t.  i look like a porn star!"  i wore all higher neck tops after that. 
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  • This, along with shirts that aren't long enough, was one of my biggest gripes about maternity tops!  As if you aren't already self-conscious about your body, they only make tops with scoop or v-necks.  Like you, I wore a cami nearly every day. That was the extent to which I attempted to hide the cleavage.


    I try not to show much of any cleavage at work.  It just isn't appropriate, IMO. Mostly, I'm just personally not comfortable with it!

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  • I am in a D cup now and having the same issues.  It seems no matter what I wear, cleavage shows.  So, I wear camis under everything.  I can't stand turtlenecks though, I could not stand to have one on all day.

    Oh well, I only have 1 more week of work so I really don't care if my cleavage shows!

  • Yeah...I'm thinking it's time to shop for some more conservative tops.  If my boobs were normal-sized, I think they'd be fine, but I saw myself in the work bathroom mirror yesterday and was a bit mortified.  I thought I looked fine when I left the house!  And I'm constantly tugging the camis up, which I'm sure just draws more attention to the boobaliciousness that is my chest.
  • When I was pg, seemed like there was cleveage everyday. Nobody cared, hell- I work in plastic surgery...boobs are just another thing. :)
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