DD has really been cutting back on the amount of formula she'll drink in the last month or so. She has always been a big fan of table food and spent little time eating purees. She's been eating pretty much what we eat for a couple months and more of it lately. I specifically asked DC yesterday how much formula she was drinking while she was there and she said probably no more than 12 ounces and she's there from about 8:15 to 5:15. They give her breakfast, lunch and a snack and she usually eats everything I bring for her - protein, veggie, pasta, fruit, etc. I think her largest bottle is first thing in the morning - she used to drink 6-7 oz., but lately that's even been less. She also gets a bottle before bed, but I'm lucky if I get more than 3 oz. in her.
I know she's not starving. She's happy and healthy and growing. I'm just concerned because I feel like she's just not interested in milk anymore and I don't know if she's getting enough nutrients from table food. I'm inclined to think since she'll eat anything - she's not picky and loves all textures, flavors, etc. - that she's fine. I guess I can't force formula on her, but should I be concerned?
Re: How much formula for 11 mo?
I think at that age H was taking about 12-20oz a day. She wouldn't necessarily take all of each bottle that we were offering though, it depended on the day She drank about 5-6 oz in the morning, 4-5 oz before afternoon nap, and 4-5 oz. before bed.
Enjoy the good eating phase while it lasts!
I want to say the ped. told us to keep around 16-24 oz. at age one - obviously WCM at that time, but I figure the quantities are similar for an 11 m.o. on formula. And it sounds like she's right in the range she should be in. As long as she's eating and growing, I'd basically follow her lead.
ETA: T has always been on the high side of the growth charts, so maybe that 16-24 oz. range was the max she should get, not the full range of what the ped. thinks is normal at that age.
I'm really late in chiming in, but I also heard the 16-24oz range for WCM, so at 11mos I'd think the same is true for formula. FWIW, DS drinks on the low end of that - I think some kids are bigger drinkers and others are not. Like your LO he really loves food, eats a good variety, and seems satisfied.
I try to offer milk often, and make sure he eats yogurt every day along with other health foods to make up for any lack of calcium or other vitamins he might get from milk. I also check to make sure he's drooling (or has spit bubbles in his mouth) as a way to make sure he's hydrated (per pedi's recommendation when he got a stomach bug a while back). I plan to ask pedi about it at our 12 month checkup on Friday, but since he seems to be well otherwise, I'm not that worried.